Humanitarian Action
2022 Overview
Humanitarian crises threaten gains made towards achieving the International Conference on Population and Development’s Programme of Action and the Sustainable Development Goals. They disrupt the provision and use of sexual and reproductive health information and services, and leave women and girls vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. In Afghanistan, Ethiopia and other humanitarian settings, we see just how quickly hard-won gains for women and girls can be unwound in the face of crisis.

UNFPA Executive Director
Dr. Natalia Kanem
UNFPA works towards three transformative results, which we call our three zeros. We want zero unmet need for family planning, zero preventable maternal deaths and zero gender-based violence and harmful practices by 2030.
UNFPA Executive Director
Dr. Natalia Kanem
to reach 54.5 million women, girls and young people, including 30 million women of reproductive age in 61 countries with humanitarian assistance.
Nearly 100 Member States fund UNFPA every year. In doing so, they send a message of hope to women and girls around the world. We are grateful for their support.
We are inspired by the humanitarian workers who, day in and day out, overcome unprecedented hurdles to aid people affected by crises, even in the face of COVID-19.
In 2022, UNFPA is appealing for an estimated US$835 million to provide life-saving services and protection to 54.5 million women, girls and young people in 61 countries.