Three Women
Three Stories

In 2022, millions of women, girls and young people received life-saving assistance. But the magnitude of the needs is immense and significant gaps remain.



Amira Suliman was once displaced. Today she is a business owner, thanks to training in a centre supported by UNFPA. Amira is also a volunteer who gives back to her community, raising awareness on women’s health and empowerment in the same centre.

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Nadia is 17 years old and from Chernihiv, a Ukrainian city on the border with Russia and Belarus. Her city suffered constant fire from the beginning of the full-scale invasion of her country. Despite what she went through, Nadia looks to the future with hope.

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One year after the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan, 17-year-old Mursal, a UNFPA supported peer counsellor, is still in disbelief that she can’t go back to school.

“It’s not right that they’re ordering us to hide our faces and stop going to school. I hope that young girls will not give up,” she says.

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2022 results snapshot

UNFPA and its partners provided life-saving assistance to more than 30 million people. including services and supplies for emergency obstetric care to prevent maternal and newborn deaths, family planning and emergency contraception, prevention of and response to gender-based violence, including the clinical management of rape.

22 million

Women, girls and young people reached with sexual and reproductive health services in 50 countries.

1.4 million

Women helped to deliver babies safely in UNFPA-assisted facilities in 39 countries.

2 million

Women, girls and young people reached with GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response services in 46 countries.


Safe spaces for women and girls supported by UNFPA in 42 countries.

6.5 million

Women, girls and young people reached in person with information and awareness-raising activities in 50 countries.

Top 10 humanitarian donors in 2022

Predictable and flexible humanitarian financing underpins UNFPA’s ability to prepare for and respond to increasing conflicts and disasters worldwide. UNFPA is grateful to all of its partners for their financial contributions in support of the needs of women and girls in humanitarian settings.

  1. Estados Unidos de América
  2. United Nations inter-agency transfers
  3. Reino Unido
  4. Australia
  5. Noruega
  6. Canadá
  7. Comisión Europea
  8. Dinamarca
  9. Japón
  10. Italia