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2024 Planned results

UNFPA requires both political and financial support to ensure the availability of quality sexual and reproductive health services and to address genderbased violence in emergencies, including through leadership and coordination of these responses. This support provides UNFPA country offices with the humanitarian expertise, funding and supplies for immediate action in crises.

48 million women

Reach 48 million

women, girls and young people in need of humanitarian assistance. 

48 million women

In 58 countries

where women and girls are in crisis. 

48 million women

$1.2 billion required

to provide reproductive health and protection services to 48 million people. 

Countries requiring support in 2024


Filter by:

Humanitarian response plans

  • Afganistán
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cameroon, Republic of
  • República Centroafricana
  • Chad
  • Colombia
  • la República Democrática del Congo
  • El Salvador
  • Etiopía
  • Guatemala
  • Haití
  • Honduras
  • Malí
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar
  • Níger
  • Nigeria
  • la República Federal de Somalia
  • Sudán del Sur
  • Estado de Palestina
  • Sudán
  • República Árabe Siria
  • Ucrania
  • Venezuela
  • Yemen
  • Total

Flash appeals & regional response plans

  • Angola
  • Armenia
  • Bangladesh
  • Belarús
  • Brasil
  • La República del Congo
  • Costa Rica
  • la República del Ecuador
  • Egipto
  • Guyana
  • República Islámica del Irán
  • Iraq
  • Jordania
  • Kenya
  • Líbano
  • Libia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • México
  • República Democrática de Moldova
  • Pakistán
  • Panamá
  • Perú
  • Polonia
  • Rumania
  • Rwanda
  • Eslovaquia
  • República Unida de Tanzanía
  • Trinidad y Tabago
  • República de Türkiye
  • Uganda
  • Zambia
  • Total
Top 12 country requirements
Countries requiring humanitarian funding *
*Flash Appeals, Humanitarian Response Plans, and Regional Response Plans

Download full 2024 report

For additional information about our initiatives, including insights into humanitarian trends affecting women and girls and our priorities for 2024, download our 2024 report.


