Humanitarian Action 2025
launch video

A message from the Executive Director

Dr. Natalia Kanem

UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Natalia Kanem

At the core of UNFPA’s work is a simple, unwavering belief: No woman should die while giving life, and no woman or girl should live in fear of violence.

In 2024, conflicts, climate-driven disasters and other crises have displaced a record 122.6 million people — half of them women and girls. Many of these crises have spilled across borders, destabilizing entire regions and demanding unprecedented humanitarian responses.

The world faces a deepening global protection crisis. All too often in conflict, international humanitarian law is flouted with impunity, and the use of rape as a weapon of war continues unabated. Sexual and reproductive rights are under siege around the world, with alarming rollbacks and potential funding cuts from key partners threatening to unravel hard-won progress.

Amidst these challenges, our resolve remains unshaken. To meet spiralling needs, UNFPA is delivering faster and reaching farther than ever. Together, let’s ensure that every woman and girl — no matter where she is — can live a life of safety, health, and hope, in peace.

$1.4 billion

In 2025, UNFPA is appealing for $1.4 billion to deliver life-saving reproductive health and critical gender-based violence prevention services and programmes to more than 45 million women, girls, and young people across 57 countries.

Bangladesh, 2024. Flooding in the eastern district of Noakhali. As of 31 August, 5.8 million people in eastern Bangladesh have been affected by catastrophic floods, with over 502,501 displaced and living in 3,403 shelters. Fifty-nine lives have been lost. Credit: ©UNFPA Bangladesh/Peter Rozario

UNFPA is grateful to our partners and donors for continuing to invest in our work. Supporting this appeal is a demonstration of our shared values and our collective commitment to a future where the health, rights, and dignity of women and girls are respected and protected.

world map world map

Top 12 Country Requirements

  • 1. Afganistán
  • 2. Sudán
  • 3. Occupied Palestinian Territory
  • 4. Yemen
  • 5. República Árabe Siria
  • 6. Ucrania
  • 7. la República Federal de Somalia
  • 8. Etiopía
  • 9. la República Democrática del Congo
  • 10. Myanmar
  • 11. Líbano
  • 12. Bangladesh
  • Total