12 August 2024
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First menstruation is often accompanied by fear, shame, lack of information, women and girls in Arab states reveal

Even talking about menstruation is considered taboo or embarrassing, many women told UNFPA. © UNFPA Somalia
  • 28 May 2021


UNFPA and the Islamic Development Bank are joining forces to help women and girls across continents

25 Apr 2024

Woman in Niger receives UNFPA-supported services. © UNFPA Niger


United States pledges $32.5 million to uplift women and girls around the world

29 Jan 2021

In 2016, Rima was the 5000th baby born at a UNFPA-supported clinic for refugees in Jordan. © UNFPA Jordan


What we learn by listening to girls

Yanal raises her voice on behalf of girls vulnerable to child marriage. © UNFPA
  • 09 October 2020


Jordan: Funding for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in humanitarian programming

Resource date: Jun 2020




Pandemic threatens communities ravaged by war and crisis, global support needed

Outreach workers in Syria are raising awareness about the pandemic. © UNFPA Syria
  • 16 April 2020


How to do no harm: Resources to help journalists avoid re-traumatizing survivors of sexual violence

A study of Yazidi survivors found that some were negatively affected by their experiences with journalists, expert Sherizaan Minwalla said. © UNFPA/Khetam Malkawi
  • 20 December 2019


Jordan: Securing Supplies for Syrian Refugees while Building Resilience in Jordan’s Health System

Resource date: Jan 2019

Publisher: UNFPA

The Government of Jordan estimates 1 in 3 inhabitants in Jordan is non-Jordanian. Jordan hosts more than 650,000 registered Syrian refugees and 2.2 million Palestine refugees, as well as other nationalities and migrant workers. UNFPA achieved zero preventable maternal death in Jordan’s largest refugee camp by mobilizing resources, procuring reproductive health supplies, and making services available and accessible to the affected population.

Learn more about this series here.


Donor rankings include UN-to-UN transfers, which are UNFPA's top source of revenue overall.


Effective 1 January 2022, UNFPA adopted a new revenue recognition policy; however, for the purposes of this website, information is presented based on previous policy to allow comparability of information across different years.

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BAMYAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan – “If I had left, a mother or a baby could have died. I stayed because people, especially pregnant women, needed my support.” Mariza Ahmadi had been working as a midwife at the Ahangaran…
21 August 2024 Read Story
MOPTI REGION, Mali – “Many women come here to give birth as a last resort,” said Kadiatou Karembé, a midwife at the Sominé Dolo hospital in Sévaré in Mopti, in central Mali. “Sometimes they spend the night on the road…
06 March 2024 Read Story
BANGUI, The Central African Republic – A €5 million funding injection from Italy to UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, will strengthen maternal and neonatal health services at the Central…
23 January 2024 Read Story

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