Global Dialogues

To spark conversation, engage new allies and expand the knowledge base on emerging issues, ICPD30 is convening three global dialogues – on the New Generation’s Vision for ICPD, from 4 to 5 April  2024; on Demographic Diversity, from 15 to 16 May 2024; and on Technological Change, from 27 to 28 June 2024.

Each dialogue will bring together 200 diverse stakeholders, to celebrate 30 years of achievements, to discuss complex polarizing issues and to position the ICPD agenda in the future sustainable development agenda. Insights and recommendations from the three dialogues will contribute to the global ICPD review report. This report will inform advocacy linking ICPD issues and recommendations of the review to the Summit of the Future – as key solutions for a better tomorrow.

ICPD30 Global Dialogue: A New Generation’s Vision for the ICPD

4 - 5 April  2024

Location: Cotonou, Benin
Co-hosts: Benin, Denmark, The Netherlands

Young people are a key constituency of the ICPD Programme of Action. The extent to which it serves and remains relevant to youth is critical to the future of the Programme of Action. Therefore, UNFPA, through the ICPD30 review process, will bring together 200 diverse youth-led and youth-serving organizations, leaders and strategic partners to assess progress, identify challenges and reimagine the ICPD Programme of Action for a new generation. The upcoming dialogue will provide a space to celebrate the youth as development partners, to hear their concerns and to ensure the ICPD remains relevant for future decades.

ICPD30 Global Dialogue: Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development

15 - 16 May 2024

Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Co-hosts: Bangladesh, Bulgaria, and Japan

Demographic change across countries and regions has increased significantly over the years, with implications for progress towards sustainable development. For governments to optimize their investments in health, education, housing or infrastructure, population change needs to be understood and integrated in population policy in the post-2030 landscape. The planned global dialogue will unpack global and regional population dynamics and diversity, which will shape future social and economic conditions. It will gather 200 representatives from academia, think tanks, technical experts, CSOs, the private sector and local and national governments.

ICPD30 Global Dialogue: Technological Change and the ICPD Agenda

27 - 28 June 2024

Location: New York, USA
Co-hosts: The Bahamas and Luxembourg

Technology plays an important role in addressing global challenges today. Artificial intelligence (AI) applications used globally can also pose challenges related to human values, privacy, safety and accountability, among others. To better understand how selective AI may create echo chambers, spread misinformation on the ICPD agenda, misinform decision-makers and make digital spaces toxic for women and girls, the upcoming global dialogue will bring together 200 representatives from national governments, tech companies, human rights groups, women’s rights organizations, civil society organizations and academics. The dialogue will also collect information on national policies and practical tools for addressing the impact of technological change.

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