Data Portal
Explore data on sexual and reproductive health and population trends.
- percentage of households headed by females
- percentage of households with a flush toilet
- percentage of persons age 65+ who live alone in one-person household
- marital status among adolescents, males, married or in union
- marital status among adolescents, females, widowed
- percentage of people married or in union
- demand for family planning satisfied, married or in union women aged 15-24
- old-age dependency ratio (age 70+ / age 25-69)
- percentage of households with piped water
- marital status among adolescents, males, divorced
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- completeness of census
- method mix, lactational amenorrhea
- youth literacy rate, male
- demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods, all women
- unmet need for family planning for limiting, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- ratio of literate women to literate men age 15+
- children age 10-14 living with father, mother dead
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 25+ with university completed
- population ages 5-9 (% of total population)
- attitudes toward female genital mutilation, males
- percentage of households headed by persons age 80 or older
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for limiting, married or in union women
- sexual and reproductive health laws and regulations: section3: sexuality education
- percentage of persons age 60 to 69 who live alone in one-person household
- method mix, other modern methods
- age at female genital mutilation among young girls, at age 5-9
- type of female genital mutilation, sewn closed
- percentage of persons age 60-79 who live with child
- performer of female genital mutilation, by other health professional
- prevalence of female genital mutilation among young girls age 5-9
- child marriage before age 15
- children age 10-14 living with neither parent, both dead
- percentage of persons age 60-69 who live with child
- old-age dependency ratio (age 65+ / age 25-64)
- percentage of persons age 15-24 in the labor force that is employed
- percentage of persons age 60-69 who live with spouse in two-person household
- comprehensive correct knowledge of hiv/aids among young women
- demand for family planning satisfied, all women
- demand for family planning satisfied, sexually active unmarried women
- population ages 15-49 (% of total population)
- performer of female genital mutilation, by a traditional circumciser
- population age 50+ (% of total population)
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for spacing, married or in union women aged 15-24
- method mix, female sterilization
- average age of foreign-born population
- child marriage before age 18
- percentage of men aged 20-24 who married/in union before age 18
- population ages 12-17 (% of total population)
- age at female genital mutilation among young girls, at age 1-4
- unmet need for family planning, married or in union women aged 15-24
- unmet need for family planning for spacing, sexually active unmarried women
- percentage of population living in rented dwellings
- median age at first marriage, males age 20-49/54/59
- early sex before age 15 among men aged 20-24
- population distribution by sociodemographic characteristics, young men
- age difference between couples, <5 years
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 18+ with secondary completed
- marital status among adolescents, females, divorced
- age difference between couples, 5-9 years
- population distribution by sociodemographic characteristics, young people
- population ages 5-29 (% of total population)
- unmet need for family planning for limiting, married or in union women aged 15-24
- sexual and reproductive health laws and regulations: section2: contraceptive services
- average number of persons per room
- percentage of persons age 65+ who live with spouse in two-person household
- female population age 80+ (% of female population)
- proportion of men aged 15-19 who ever had sex
- antenatal care coverage for at least eight visits
- percentage of persons age 60+ who live with spouse in two-person household
- early sex before age 18 among men aged 20-24
- average number of children per household
- children age 10-14 living with neither parent, mother alive
- children age 10-14 living with father, mother alive
- contraceptive prevalence rate, women aged 15-24
- percentage of children with mother alive, that reside in same household with the mother
- female population ages 70-79 (% of female population)
- percentage of population age 18+ with primary education complete
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods, all women aged 15-24
- children age 10-14 living with father only
- unmet need for family planning for limiting, sexually active unmarried women
- percentage of people aged 20-24 who married/in union before age 18
- singulate mean age at marriage/union
- method mix, condom
- contraceptive prevalence rate, modern methods, women aged 15-24
- median age at first marriage, females age 20-49
- sexual and reproductive health laws and regulations: section 4: hiv and hpv
- child dependency ratio (age 0-19 / age 20-69)
- sexual and reproductive health laws and regulations
- children age 10-14 living with mother, father dead
- demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods, married or in union women
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for spacing, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- contraceptive prevalence rate, married or in union women
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 25+ with secondary completed
- female population age 65+ (% of female population)
- percentage of persons age 70-79 who live alone in one-person household
- percentage of persons age 15+ in the labor force that is employed
- unmet need for family planning for spacing, all women
- population ages 10-14 (% of total population)
- male population ages 60-69 (% of male population)
- demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods, sexually active unmarried women
- adolescent birth rate
- child dependency ratio (age 0-24 / age 25-69)
- universal health coverage (uhc) service coverage index
- unmet need for family planning for spacing, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- prevalence of female genital mutilation among young girls age 0-14
- percentage of persons age 70-79 who live with spouse in two-person household
- children age 10-14 living with neither parent, father alive
- female population ages 60-69 (% of female population)
- proportion of youth not in education, employment or training
- method mix, female condom
- percentage of the population age 15+ that is literate
- performer of female genital mutilation, by a nurse/midwife
- percentage of persons age 80+ who live with spouse in two-person household
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 18+ with university completed
- male population age 80+ (% of male population)
- contraceptive prevalence rate, modern methods, sexually active unmarried women
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 25+ with primary completed
- caesarean section planned before onset of labor pains
- maternal mortality ratio
- ratio of literate women to literate men age 25-64
- sex ratio by five-year age groups
- early sex before age 18 among women aged 20-24
- neonatal mortality rate
- population age 80+ (% of total population)
- percentage of people widowed
- percentage of the population age 25-64 that is literate
- condom use at last high-risk sex, multiple sexual partners, males
- unmet need for family planning, sexually active unmarried women
- percentage of population age 25+ with secondary education complete
- dependency ratio (age 0-24, age 70+ / age 25-69)
- method mix, emergency contraception
- percentage of the population age 65+ that is literate
- proportion of women aged 15-19 who ever had sex
- children age 10-14 living with both parents
- unmet need for family planning for limiting, all women
- contraceptive prevalence rate, modern methods, married or in union women
- percentage of households that own a television
- sexual and reproductive health laws and regulations: section1: maternity care
- population age 60+ (% of total population)
- percentage of households headed by children (under 18 years)
- performer of female genital mutilation, by a traditional agent
- median age at first marriage/union
- method mix, injections
- percentage of households with access to electricity
- prevalence of orphanhood: children age 10-14 who are orphans - mother, father or both dead
- percentage of people with disabilities
- unmet need for family planning, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- low birth weight
- age difference between couples, 10+ years
- dependency ratio
- percentage of children who live with only father
- percentage of children who live with neither mother nor father
- marital status among adolescents, females, never married
- sex ratio at birth
- percentage of population age 18+ with university education complete
- population age 70+ (% of total population)
- unmet need for family planning for spacing, all women aged 15-24
- marital status among adolescents, females, married or in union
- child dependency ratio (age 0-24 / age 25-64)
- marital status among adolescents, females, not living together
- population ages 5-17 (% of total population)
- percentage of population age 18+ with secondary education complete
- population ages 0-17 (% of total population)
- method mix, implants
- early sex before age 15 among women aged 20-24
- percentage of population age 25+ with primary education complete
- percentage of population age 25+ with less than primary education complete
- old-age dependency ratio
- age at female genital mutilation among young girls, at age 10-14
- demand for family planning satisfied, all women aged 15-24
- prevalence of female genital mutilation among young girls age 10-14
- proportion of men aged 15-19 who are sexually active
- contraceptive prevalence rate, modern methods, all women
- median age at first marriage, females age 25-49
- new hiv infections per 1,000 uninfected population
- children age 10-14 with missing information on whether father/mother alive
- demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods, all women aged 15-24
- percentage of households headed by persons age 65 or older
- dependency ratio (age 0-19, age 65+ / age 20-64)
- population ages 0-4 (% of total population)
- age-specific fertility rate per 1,000 women
- performer of female genital mutilation, by a traditional birth attendant
- population ages 15-19 (% of total population)
- population distribution by sociodemographic characteristics, young women
- percentage of women aged 20-24 who gave birth before age 15
- median age at first marriage, females age 15+
- intimate partner violence, past 12 months
- percentage of children that reside in same household with the mother
- decision making on consensual sexual relations
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 25+ with less than primary completed
- age at female genital mutilation, at age 15+
- percentage of persons age 60-79 who live with spouse in two-person household
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods, sexually active unmarried women
- attitudes toward wife beating, females
- method mix, male sterilization
- type of female genital mutilation, cut but no flesh was removed
- percentage of people aged 20-24 who married/in union before age 15
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 18+ with primary completed
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods, married or in union women aged 15-24
- contraceptive prevalence rate, all women
- percentage of women age 15-49 with a live birth in the past 12 months
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for spacing, married or in union women
- children age 10-14 not living with a biological parent
- age at female genital mutilation, at age 10-14
- decision making on own healthcare
- gender parity index, percentage of population age 18+ with less than primary completed
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for limiting, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for limiting, sexually active unmarried women
- age at female genital mutilation, at age 5-9
- population ages 15-24 (% of total population)
- median age at first marriage, males age 25-49/54/59
- marital status among adolescents, males, widowed
- attitudes toward female genital mutilation, females
- performer of female genital mutilation, by other traditional agent
- population ages 60-69 (% of total population)
- unmet need for family planning, all women aged 15-24
- children age 10-14 living with mother only
- percentage of persons age 65+ who live with child
- age difference between couples, man is younger than woman
- old-age dependency ratio (age 65+ / age 20-64)
- prevalence of female genital mutilation
- old-age dependency ratio (age 70+ / age 20-69)
- performer of female genital mutilation, by other persons
- average household size
- marital status among adolescents, females, missing
- percentage of one-person households
- population ages 15-64 (% of total population)
- prevalence of female genital mutilation among young girls age 0-4
- demand for family planning satisfied, married or in union women
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for spacing, all women aged 15-24
- percentage of households that are nuclear
- youth literacy rate
- marital status among adolescents, males, not living together
- percentage of children who live with both mother and father
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for spacing, sexually active unmarried
- method mix, iud
- foreign-born population by country of birth
- ratio of literate women to literate men age 65+
- percentage of persons age 80+ who live alone in one-person household
- method mix, pill
- decision making on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
- population ages 70-79 (% of total population)
- percentage of persons age 70-79 who live with child
- dependency ratio (age 0-19, age 70+ / age 20-69)
- male population ages 70-79 (% of male population)
- percentage of men aged 20-24 who married/in union before age 15
- completeness of death registration
- percentage of persons age 60-79 who live alone in one-person household
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods, married or in union women
- completeness of birth registration
- attitudes toward wife beating, males
- demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods, married or in union women aged 15-24
- marital status among adolescents, females, married
- marital status among adolescents, males, living together
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for limiting, married or in union women aged 15-24
- crude birth rate
- performer of female genital mutilation, by a medical professional
- age at female genital mutilation, before age 5
- female migrants as a percentage of the international migrant stock
- contraceptive prevalence rate, sexually active unmarried women
- age difference between couples, same age
- marital status among adolescents, males, never married
- unmet need for family planning for limiting, married or in union women
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods, all women
- percentage of persons age 60+ who live with child
- population ages 0-14 (% of total population)
- total wanted fertility rate
- unmet need for family planning for spacing, married or in union women
- births attended by skilled birth personnel
- population age 65+ (% of total population)
- median age of the population
- proportion of women aged 15-19 who are sexually active
- total fertility rate
- unmet need for family planning for spacing, married or in union women aged 15-24
- total number of international migrants (foreign-born) as a percentage of total population
- condom use at last high-risk sex, multiple sexual partners, females
- percentage of people divorced/separated/spouse absent
- percentage of persons age 70+ who live alone in one-person household
- hiv prevalence
- children age 10-14 living with mother, father alive
- percentage of women aged 20-24 who gave birth before age 18
- marital status among adolescents, males, married
- percentage of households with internet access
- proportion of population living alone
- child dependency ratio (age 0-19 / age 20-64)
- unmet need for family planning for limiting, all women aged 15-24
- percentage of households headed by persons age 60-69
- percentage of households with personal computer
- children age 10-14 living with neither parent, both alive
- hiv prevalence, males
- hiv prevalence, females
- percentage of children who live with only mother
- percentage of population age 5-29 out of school
- sex ratio, 0-year-olds
- percentage of children with father alive, that reside in same household with the father
- method mix, diaphragm, foam or jelly
- percentage of people single/never-married nor in union
- type of female genital mutilation, cut and had flesh removed
- comprehensive correct knowledge of hiv/aids among young men
- unmet need for family planning, all women
- decision making on contraceptive use
- child sex ratio
- population age 18+ (% of total population)
- percentage of households that are extended
- youth literacy rate, female
- percentage of population age 18+ with less than primary education complete
- percentage of persons age 60+ who live alone in one-person household
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for spacing, all women
- age at female genital mutilation among young girls, before age 1
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for limiting, all women
- median age difference between couples
- ratio of literate women to literate men age 15-24
- dependency ratio (age 0-24, age 65+ / age 25-64)
- child dependency ratio
- demand for family planning satisfied, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- percentage of population age 25+ with university education complete
- performer of female genital mutilation, by a doctor
- unmet need for family planning, married or in union women
- demand for family planning satisfied by modern methods, sexually active unmarried women aged 15-24
- females killed by intimate partners or family members
- percentage of persons age 80+ who live with child
- percentage of households headed by persons age 70-79
- marital status among adolescents, females, living together
- percentage of children that reside in same household with the father
- male population age 65+ (% of male population)
- marital status among adolescents, males, missing
- population ages 5-11 (% of total population)
- unmet need for family planning for modern methods for limiting, all women aged 15-24
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 1: maternity care
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 2: life saving commodities
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 3: abortion
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 4: post-abortion care
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 5: contraceptive services
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 6: contraceptive consent
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 7: emergency contraception
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 8: sexuality education curriculum laws
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 9: sexuality education curriculum topics
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 10: hiv counselling and test services
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 11: hiv treatment and care services
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 12: hiv confidentiality
- laws and regulations that guarantee access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education: component 13: hpv vaccine
- percentage of children under age 5 whose births are registered
- proportion of population reporting having felt discriminated against
- american samoa (eastern samoa)
- cook is.
- niue
- paraguay
- bolivia
- brazil
- south georgia & the south sandwich is.
- new zealand
- montenegro
- serbia
- hungary
- slovakia
- denmark
- poland
- sweden
- norway
- jan mayen (norway)
- tokelau
- tonga
- bonaire (neth)
- romania
- bulgaria
- moldova
- ukraine
- lithuania
- belarus
- latvia
- wallis & futuna
- samoa
- french polynesia
- pitcairn is.
- el salvador
- guatemala
- mexico
- canada
- chile
- falkland is.
- argentina
- ecuador
- peru
- uruguay
- st. helena
- fiji
- costa rica
- panama
- belize
- honduras
- nicaragua
- trinidad & tobago
- guyana
- suriname
- cayman is.
- cuba
- colombia
- aruba
- venezuela
- estonia
- georgia
- finland
- somalia
- yemen
- oman
- saudi arabia
- kuwait
- bahrain
- qatar
- netherlands antilles
- jamaica
- haiti
- dominican republic
- turks & caicos is.
- puerto rico
- the bahamas
- dominica
- guadeloupe
- martinique
- united arab emirates
- grenada
- antigua & barbuda
- montserrat
- st. kitts & nevis
- st. lucia
- st. vincent & the grenadines
- anguilla
- saint barthelemy (france)
- saint martin (france)
- sint eustatius (neth)
- sint maarten (neth)
- british virgin is.
- armenia
- azerbaijan
- barbados
- french guiana
- st. pierre & miquelon
- cape verde
- guinea-bissau
- sierra leone
- guinea
- the gambia
- senegal
- mauritania
- liberia
- ghana
- burkina faso
- mali
- western sahara
- portugal
- morocco
- spain
- greenland
- united states
- iran
- bermuda
- namibia
- equatorial guinea
- turkmenistan
- uzbekistan
- maldives
- sri lanka
- india
- pakistan
- afghanistan
- tajikistan
- guernsey
- jersey
- ireland
- united kingdom
- nigeria
- isle of man
- iceland
- faroe is.
- russia
- bouvet i.
- sao tome & principe
- kiribati
- angola
- gabon
- congo
- congo, drc
- south africa
- lesotho
- niger
- cameroon
- central african republic
- chad
- algeria
- tunisia
- libya
- taiwan
- swaziland
- botswana
- zimbabwe
- mozambique
- zambia
- burundi
- rwanda
- uganda
- malawi
- comoros
- tanzania
- kenya
- south korea
- heard i. & mcdonald is.
- madagascar
- cyprus
- reunion
- french southern & antarctic lands
- mayotte
- seychelles
- mauritius
- monaco
- british indian ocean territory
- togo
- benin
- malta
- italy
- albania
- macedonia
- south sudan
- sudan
- ethiopia
- djibouti
- eritrea
- egypt
- greece
- israel
- jordan
- san marino
- vatican city
- slovenia
- croatia
- lebanon
- syria
- turkey
- iraq
- andorra
- france
- belgium
- austria
- czech republic
- luxembourg
- switzerland
- liechtenstein
- germany
- netherlands
- bosnia & herzegovina
- kyrgyzstan
- nepal
- kazakhstan
- cocos is.
- christmas i.
- singapore
- indonesia
- timor leste
- australia
- papua new guinea
- new caledonia
- norfolk islands
- solomon is.
- nauru
- tuvalu
- vanuatu
- myanmar
- cambodia
- malaysia
- thailand
- vietnam
- laos
- bangladesh
- bhutan
- north korea
- china
- mongolia
- micronesia
- brunei
- macau (china)
- philippines
- palau
- hong kong (china)
- guam
- northern mariana is.
- japan
- marshall is.
- No results found