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Front-line workers restore health, hope and humanity in the direst settings

“A few weeks ago, a pregnant woman called me late at night in desperate need of help,” Molok told UNFPA. “This woman lives in a camp that intersects with the area of ​​the clashes. I decided to go to her at night,…

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Midwives in Afghanistan defy constraints and crises to save lives of women and newborns

“There was a woman who was heavily pregnant. She was injured and had lost family members in the earthquake… She was in a state of shock,” said Minaz Bibi, a newly-trained midwife in Afghanistan’s Paktika province. …

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Amid gruelling violence and economic collapse, women and girls in Haiti need urgent support

As Haiti’s economy teeters on the brink of collapse and essential services crumble, residents of the capital Port-au-Prince are caught in a horrifying crossfire of surging gang violence, with rising accounts of murders…

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Bridging digital and generational divides in Moldova

Last year, retired teacher Elena Gobjila returned to the classroom. But this time, she was the student. Under the patient tutelage of Catalina Neghina, her own former student, the 74-year-old learned to use the Internet…

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Sri Lanka’s once robust health system nears collapse amid crisis – and pregnant women pay the price

When Ruchika found out she was pregnant with her second child, in October of 2021, she could not have imagined that she would find herself, hours before delivering her baby, in a crowded distribution queue, pleading for…

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In Costa Rica, indigenous youth leaders are blazing a trail toward a better future for women and girls

Cheymi Gallardo Sánchez became a mother at age 15. In her rural community in the Cabécar indigenous territory, deep in the Talamanca mountains, adolescent motherhood is common. Talamanca is one of the cantons with the…

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Conflict fuelling sexual violence in northern Ethiopia

"We tried to flee on the back of a truck, but they caught us. They took me away, raped me and left me in the bush.” Mahlet* was just 17 when she fled her home in November 2021 to escape the conflict raging in…

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Speaking out for sexual and reproductive health and rights in Egypt

“The village is very conservative, so it was a challenge to earn their trust,” said Salma Abdel Moneim, a reproductive health worker in Menufiya, in northern Egypt. Through a UNFPA-supported population awareness club,…

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Fear and optimism as world population poised to reach 8 billion – amid historic fertility slowdown

The United Nations announced today that the world’s population is expected to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022  – a milestone for humanity – and in 2023 India is projected to become the most populous country,…

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