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Panel on International Migration and the Millennium Development Goals

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you this morning to our High-Level Panel on International Migration and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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A Woman's Centre Takes on Domestic Violence in the Gaza Strip

AL-BUREIJ REFUGEE CAMP, Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestinian Territory — Sameera, one of eight girls and mother to three daughters, suffered from domestic violence for years.

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Making Villages in Indonesia More 'Mother Friendly'

OGAN KOMERING ILIR, South Sumatra, Indonesia—When Kawit’s third childbirth did not go smoothly, Yuniar, the midwife in Sukapulit village, realized the problem was obstructed labour and knew what to do.

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A Safe Haven for Girls Escaping Harm in Kenya

NAROK, Kenya—Silvia Selula looks dazed and lost.

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Preventing and Treating Fistula in Chad

N’DJAMENA, Chad—Four years ago, Jamia Kalaroun lost her baby.

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Uniformed Forces in Peru Take on an Invisible Enemy

LIMA, Peru—Getting in touch with emotions and discussing sexual and reproductive health may not seem likely priorities for young, uniformed men and women with steely gazes and clenched jaws.

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Republic of Moldova: Talking About Reproductive Health - in Schools and with Peers

DREPCAUTI, Republic of Moldova —Traditionally, reproductive health, family planning and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections were not subjects for open discussion among adults, let alone students, in this…

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Helping Pregnant Women Deliver Safely -- On the Ground and in the Air

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands —Dr. Wilma Doedens has helped to make motherhood safer for Sudanese refugees in Chad, for tsunami-affected women in Sri Lanka, and for women displaced by war in the Congo.

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Condoms Are a Key to Reducing HIV Transmission in Zimbabwe

HARARE, Zimbabwe— Cathy Nyarai is an ebony, svelte, almost frail-looking 22-year-old woman.

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