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Fifty years after a terrible childbirth injury, Kenyan woman gets a new lease on life

Decades ago, Jumwa Kabibu Kai was pregnant with her second child in the small village of Kidutani, Kenya. The area was poor and isolated – her nearest neighbour was 3 kilometres away – and there was no easy access to a…

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New rules to help end child marriage in Cameroon

“I was forced into marriage by my father at the age of 14,” Faouzia Yaya, now 17, told UNFPA. “My father insisted, even knowing I did not want it. I even ran away to my uncle’s place, but he still found me.”

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After harrowing escape, South Sudan woman welcomes healthy twins

Nyador Dagey, 35, was three months pregnant and bleeding from a gunshot wound when she fled her village in Rubkona County, in South Sudan’s in Unity State, in March.

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“I am a prey to all men”: Refugee women endure poverty, harassment, isolation

When 28-year-old Muna* fled the turmoil in Syria three years ago, she did not imagine she would wind up alone, shouldering responsibility for her family’s care, all while under constant threat of abuse and exploitation.

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Giving birth upright, with maté – Peru clinics open arms to indigenous women

Until recently, indigenous women giving birth in a health facility were forced to abandon their traditional labour preferences, including their tradition of giving birth in an upright position. Many women chose to…

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Astrologers, shamans and priests mobilize against child marriage in Nepal

A girl’s astrological birth chart can hold the keys to her future in this remote corner of Far Western Nepal. And in the right hands, this is a good thing.

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Organizations raise alarm over “global contraceptive crisis”

A coalition of reproductive health organizations is sounding the alarm over the unmet contraceptive needs of hundreds of millions of people. Lack of funding for contraceptives is placing millions of women’s lives at…

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Companies pledge to help reduce childbirth deaths in crisis settings

UNITED NATIONS, New York/KYESHERO, Democratic Republic of the Congo – Women do not stop giving birth when disaster strikes. Every day, about 500 women die of childbirth-related causes in humanitarian emergencies or…

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African presidents urge investment in youth as continent sees rare demographic opportunity

Presidents, ministers, and United Nations and World Bank officials met yesterday at UN Headquarters in New York to strengthen their commitments to the young people of Africa. The continent is undergoing a seismic shift…

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