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Pakistan Floods: 'Cultural Shock' for Women in Camps

<p>Shmyalla Jawad, who is the gender advisor for the Plan International organisation in Pakistan, visited some of these camps in the Layyah district in Southern Punjab.</p>

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Catarina Furtado Continues her Work on Behalf of Guinea Bissau’s Mothers

GABU, Guinea Bissau-– One of the first people to greet Catarina Furtado here was an infant named in her honour. Baby Catarina was the first infant delivered by Caesarean section at the surgical unit that Ms. Furtado, a…

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Momentum Building for Maternal Health in Republic of Congo

BRAZZAVILLE, Republic of Congo — As the Republic of Congo marked its 50th Anniversary of Independence today, it embarked on unprecedented steps to advance quickly in the areas of reproductive health and gender equity.…

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UN Launches Mass Appeal for Pakistan Flood Relief

<p>UNITED NATIONS — The United Nations launched an appeal Wednesday for $460 million in emergency aid to support relief efforts in flood-ravaged Pakistan.</p>

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Giving Young People the Priority They Deserve

Today marks the 25th International Youth Day, which is also the launch at the United Nations of the International Year of Youth. The year-long commemoration, whose theme is dialogue and mutual understanding, aims to…

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Young and Pregnant in Jamaica, But Staying in School

KINGSTON, Jamaica — Twenty-eight-year-old Antoinette Sykes is happy to have a job that allows her to make a difference in the lives of young girls.

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Cell Phones Save Lives in Rwandan Villages

<p>MUSANZE, Rwanda — The Rwandan government is giving out hundreds of cell phones in an attempt to save pregnant women and babies.</p>

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Taking the Census in Panama, by Car, Foot, Boat and Saddle

PANAMA CITY — Fourteen countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are carrying out population and housing censuses this year as part of the 2010 round, a global effort by governments to count their citizens, which…

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African First Ladies’ Organization Agrees to Take on Maternal, Child Health

KAMPALA, Uganda—Ugandan First Lady, Janet Kataha Museveni, today presided over an important session of the meeting of African First Ladies, devoted to the theme of the debate that Heads of State had just concluded on “…

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