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In the Slums of Cairo, Home is a Roof Over Your Head

CAIRO, Egypt—</strong> Feryal El Sayed has called a tiny square room and a tinier cubicle containing a kitchen and a bathroom ‘home’ for the past 15 years.</p>

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Record-Breaking Donation from Portuguese Public

LISBON, Portugal</strong> — UNFPA’s Goodwill Ambassador in Portugal, Catarina Furtado, delivered an unprecedented €253,000 (more than $340,000) contribution to UNFPA through its Executive Director, Thoraya Ahmed…

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UNFPA Opens New Fistula Treatment Centres in Afghanistan and Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — New facilities for treating obstetric fistula patients were inaugurated in April by UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya A. Obaid and the health ministers of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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Checkpoints Compound the Risks of Childbirth for Palestinian Women

RAMALLAH, Palestinian Occupied Territory— After three hours of driving from one checkpoint to another to get to the Ramallah hospital, Fatima's labour pains were becoming unbearable.

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Reaching Out to the People When the People Can't Reach Health Care

At the 2005 World Summit, the largest-ever gathering of world leaders committed themselves to achieving universal access to reproductive health by 2015 as an essential element in the fight against poverty.

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Georgia's Mobile Teams Hit the Road to Improve Reproductive Health and Save Lives

TSKALTUBO, Georgia — The former resort community of Tskaltubo is nestled in the rugged snow-clad foothills of the Caucasus Mountains in Western Georgia.

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Special Delivery: Volunteers on Bicycles Bring Health Care to Rural Senegal

GAMBEY, Senegal — A large black bag slung over his shoulder, Sillymane Ba pedals his rickety bicycle down a rocky, bumpy, red dirt road.

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HIV Infection Rates Among Women in Latin America and the Caribbean Continue to Increase

BUENOS AIRES — “The HIV and AIDS epidemic in Latin America and the Caribbean increasingly has a woman’s face,” Marcela Suazo, Director of UNFPA’s Divison for Latin America and the Caribbean told participants at the…

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Nepal Ceasefire Allows Mobile Team to Care for Women's Health

SAFEBAGAR, Accham District, Nepal —“May you live 100 years! You have given me my life back,” a beaming Guma Badela told the doctor and nurse examining her.

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