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One year into the pandemic, UNFPA estimates 12 million women have seen contraceptive interruptions, leading to 1.4 million unintended pregnancies

An estimated 12 million women have experienced disruptions in their family planning services due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to 1.4 million unintended pregnancies, according to new estimates released today by…

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From child bride to midwife saving lives of Afghan mothers

At 14, she was married. By her 15th birthday, she had borne her first child. But Amina Mansoory’s story does not end in the way all too common with early marriage and childbearing. “Although my father wed me off early,…

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A digital cry for help: Big data study in Asia-Pacific provides key signposts to violence against women amid COVID-19

A new analysis from the Asia-Pacific region reveals huge increases in online searches for help from intimate partner violence amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as rising levels of digital misogyny and harassment.…

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Women supporting women: Female bus conductors drive out violence in Bhutan

The pandemic has laid bare many painful truths, not least how tough and isolating the road is when we go through difficult times alone. We’ve seen how working in solidarity is the way to reach where we are heading…

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In Yemen’s man-made catastrophe, women and girls pay the heaviest price

Yemen's health system hangs together by a thread. More than $100 million is urgently needed to meet the sexual and reproductive health and protection needs of women and girls.

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Safe spaces in Colombia offer respite to Venezuelan migrants

Griseida, 28, left Venezuela when she couldn’t find a job to feed her five children. Thirty-five-year-old Marlyng, too, left when there was no work to be found, leaving behind two of three children until she could get…

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Amid conflict, displacement, pandemic, Syrian girls see a future in… robots

Bana, 12, fled her hometown, the city of Aleppo, before the Syrian conflict engulfed her neighbourhood. It was the first of two times she and her family would have to flee violence before settling down here, in…

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A pandemic-born programme bolsters local health systems in Brazil

The boat to Santa Cruz do Arari leaves Belém, the capital of Pará state in northern Brazil, at 6 a.m. every day. It is November – dry season – so the river is low, and the boat carrying the UNFPA team can only go as far…

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Three girls, three stories: The perils of child marriage and the promise of freedom

How much is a girl worth? If you are Maja, the answer is a chicken, a six-pack of beer and €100. That is how much her family, living in a Roma settlement in Serbia, received in exchange for her hand “in marriage.” She…

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