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Nigeria: Changing Attitudes to Contraception

<p>DAKAR, Senegal — Health workers say an apparent rise in contraceptive use in Nigeria stems largely from a willingness by traditional and religious leaders in some regions to use their influence in promoting…

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Out-of-the-Box Advocacy: New Ways of Communicating for a New Generation

UNITED NATIONS, New York – “So far we have only seen a glimpse of the innovative ways that young people are able to spread messages, and use new tools to transform societies and cultures, and tackle global challenges,”…

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New Report: Young People Central to Reversing AIDS Epidemic

UNITED NATIONS, New York — Discussion heated up at the 'Crossfire' panel discussion as youth leaders and decision makers from around the world engaged in a frank question and answer session about HIV and young…

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Pioneering Initiative Boosts Potential of Brazil's Youth Bulge

UNITED NATIONS, New York—A pioneering initiative in Brazil is showing that the country’s youth bulge is an economic force that could expand production and opportunities as well as promote the elimination of poverty,…

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Spotlight on Youth at High-level Global Meeting

UNITED NATIONS, New York — Hundreds of young people converged on the United Nations  today as the General Assembly kicked off a high-level meeting devoted to tackling the challenges facing youth and exploring their…

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Youth Caucus Prepares Young People for the Global Summit

UNITED NATIONS, New York — This year’s High-Level Meeting on Youth, is themed Dialogue and Mutual Understanding. Sixty young people from 45 countries worked much of the weekend before the official meeting to make sure…

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Twenty-five UN Agencies Call for a World Fit for Young People

UNITED NATIONS, New York — Twenty-five United Nations agencies have reaffirmed their commitment to make young people a priority and to incorporate youth perspectives in their work.

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Ending ‘Son Preference’ to Promote Gender Equality

<p>The tradition of inheritance from father to son in many societies coupled with a reliance on boys to provide economic support, to ensure security in old age and to perform death rites are part of a set of…

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Delivering Youth Friendly Health Information and Services in Georgia

GORI, Georgia — Sitting around the table, the college students browsed through a variety of colourful pamphlets and literature, as the conversation went from one topic to another relating to their sexual health.

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