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UN Agencies Encourage Enforcement of FGM/C Ban After Girl’s Death

<p>LONDON — U.N. agencies have called for the prosecution of an Egyptian doctor after a 13-year-old girl died while undergoing female genital mutilation/cutting at a private clinic.</p>

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Year in Review: Highlights of UNFPA's Work in 2012

NEW YORK — UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin yesterday presented the Fund’s 2012 Annual Report: Promises to Keep, to its Executive Board. 

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Tokyo Conference Reaffirms Support for Inclusive African Development

YOKOHAMA, Japan — Health improvements and a healthy workforce underpin social and economic growth.

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Ministers at Women Deliver Pledge to Ensure Universal Access to Family Planning

<p>KUALA LUMPUR <b>- </b>Women Deliver 2013 ended in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday with a pledge by participating government Ministers to ensure that sexual and reproductive health is central to the post-…

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'Girls and Women Must Be at the Heart of Post-2015 Development Agenda'

KUALA LUMPUR--Women's place in the global development agenda took centre stage on the final day of the Women Deliver conference.

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UNFPA Patron Addresses Women Deliver Conference in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – “The evidence is so clear. So why is this agenda so far from being completed?” This was the question posed by H.R.H Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, at the Women Deliver conference in Malaysia,…

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Born into Crisis: Unwanted Pregnancies in Syria

ZA’ATARI CAMP - When aid workers with the UNFPA speak to women inside Syria - many of them displaced from their homes and living in cramped collective shelters - they say they would rather do anything than get pregnant…

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Investing in Women and Girls Pays: Highlights from Women Deliver

KUALA LUMPUR --- The imperative to invest in girls and women was spotlighted at the opening of the Women Deliver conference, where more than 3,000 people from 150 countries are sharing information and strategies, …

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Pledges to Give Poor Women Access to Family Planning Are Having an Impact

KUALA LUMPUR—Enabling family planning use to empower girls and women and protect their health was the theme of day two of the Women Deliver conference.

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