North Macedonia Humanitarian Emergency

A Syrian family at a train yard.

In the past years, the country was part of the so called Balkan route of migration and since the closure of the borders on this route in 2016 the numbers of migrants passing through has decreased significantly, with number of persons in transit centers varying from 50-70. Since June 2015 UNFPA has played a prominent role in providing timely and substantial support. As the numbers of vulnerable population decrease, UNFPA supports national partners in preparedness activities

Humanitarian needs

Last updated on - April 2021

Humanitarian funding

Resources in US$

Key humanitarian results 2017

Number of mobile clinics

Functional health facilities supported by UNFPA that provide Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC)

Dignity kits and/or other Non-Food Items distributed

Maternity health facilities/tents/homes operationalized with UNFPA support

Number of service delivery points supported that provide clinical management of rape

Personnel trained on clinical management of rape

Personnel trained on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH

Health personnel trained on gender-based violence case management

Personnel trained on Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care

  • Results data are reported and updated as they become available.
  • -Targets and UNFPA's populations of concern, including women of reproductive age and pregnant women, are estimated using the MISP calculator.
  • -Funding estimates are based on country planning processes, including inter-agency humanitarian response plans and regional refugee and resilience plans.

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