Expert Group meeting on "Reducing Inequities: Ensuring Universal Access to Family Planning"

30 - 02 July 2009

New York

Opening session: The Unfinished Agenda of Family Planning
Audio press conference (Crisis in Family Planning)
Excerpted highlights from the press conference


Inequities in access to FP: Who is left behind?
Nuriye Ortayli, UNFPA, Technical Division

Politics, Priorities, and Payments
Stan Bernstein, UNFPA, Technical Division

Challenges in Adolescents’ access to FP/SRH Information and Services
Akinrinola Bankole, The Guttmacher Institute

Barriers to FP for the Urban Poor
Alex Ezeh, Africa Population & Health Research Center

Addressing the Challenges and Barriers to Accessing FP services in Emergency Situations
Susan Purdin, International Rescue Committee

FP in Primary Helath Care: Meeting basic Health Care Needs
Sharad Iyengar, Action Research & Training for Health , India

New Strategic Directions: Four Suggestions
John Cleland, London School for Health and Tropical Medicine

FP for PLHIV and their Partners
Rose Wilcher, Family Health International

Identifying the Vulnerable and Underserved-Introduction of Mapping Tools
Adam Weiner, The Population Council

Effect of Financing Schemes on Access to FP Services
Maura Graff, B&M Gates Institute

Programmes that Work and Do Not Work
David Gwatkin, The World Bank

Challenges with Reaching Hard to Reach with Information and Messages for Change
Douglas Storey, JHUCCP

Experience with Increasing Access for Indigenous Populations
Nadine Gasman, UNFPA, Guatemala

Reaching Adolescents through a Variety of Approaches
Nafi Diop, The Population Council, Senegal

Reaching Rural Communities and Women with HIV Prevention and SRH
Fatma Mrisho, National Commision for AIDS, Tanzania

Integrating Poverty Reduction with Access to FP/RH: Experience of BRAC
Jalaluddin Ahmed, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee

Scaling-up Programmes that Work, and Prioritization within National Processes
Diego Palacios, UNFPA, Columbia

Strengthening Health Systems and Prioritizing FP within Them
Christine Kirunga Tashobya, Ministry of Health, Uganda

Measuring Progress: Challenges and Opportunities in Monitoring and Evaluation
Edilberto Loaiza, UNFPA, Technical Division

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