Statements & Speeches

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  • 11 Oct 2017
  • Statement

EmPOWER girls: before, during and after crises

Girls today enjoy better life prospects than previous generations in many ways. Prosperity and nutrition are improving, child marriage and teenage pregnancy are declining, and female educational…

EmPOWER girls: before, during and after crises

Girls today enjoy better life prospects than previous generations in many ways. Prosperity and nutrition are improving, child…

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  • 01 Oct 2017
  • Statement

Tapping the talents and contributions of older persons

A new narrative about the role of older persons is in the making—one that acknowledges their potential to contribute to societies and economies.

Tapping the talents and contributions of older persons

A new narrative about the role of older persons is in the making—one that acknowledges their potential to contribute to societies…

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  • 21 Sep 2017
  • Speech

Shifting Paradigms: The Role of Young People in Building Peace and Security

Remarks by UNFPA Acting Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem at the ministerial event "Reaffirming Commitment to the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda" during the 72nd Session of the United…

Shifting Paradigms: The Role of Young People in Building Peace and Security

Remarks by UNFPA Acting Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem at the ministerial event "Reaffirming Commitment to the Youth,…

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  • 20 Sep 2017
  • Speech

Demographic Dividend Roadmap for Africa: Moving from Commitment to Action

Opening Statement by Dr. Natalia Kanem, Acting Executive Director, UNFPA, to the African Union side event "Demographic Dividend Roadmap for Africa: Moving from Commitment to Action" on the…

Demographic Dividend Roadmap for Africa: Moving from Commitment to Action

Opening Statement by Dr. Natalia Kanem, Acting Executive Director, UNFPA, to the African Union side event "Demographic…

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  • 18 Sep 2017
  • Speech

Securing Health, Hope and Dignity for All: Ending Obstetric Fistula within a Generation

Opening remarks by UNFPA Acting Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem at the side event "Securing Health, Hope and Dignity for All to Achieve the SDGs: Ending Obstetric Fistula within a…

Securing Health, Hope and Dignity for All: Ending Obstetric Fistula within a…

Opening remarks by UNFPA Acting Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem at the side event "Securing Health, Hope and Dignity…

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  • 07 Sep 2017
  • Speech

Statement of Acting Executive Director to Second Regular Session of Executive Board 2017

Statement of UNFPA Acting Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem to the Second Regular Session of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS.

Statement of Acting Executive Director to Second Regular Session of Executive…

Statement of UNFPA Acting Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem to the Second Regular Session of the Executive Board of UNDP,…

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  • 19 Aug 2017
  • Statement

Reproductive health and rights must be protected in crises

Every woman has the right to decide whether or when she will become pregnant, to give birth safely and to be protected from gender-based violence. Yet every day, untold millions of women and girls,…

Reproductive health and rights must be protected in crises

Every woman has the right to decide whether or when she will become pregnant, to give birth safely and to be protected from…

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  • 12 Aug 2017
  • Statement

Peace depends on the participation of young people

Young people have the potential to act as greater forces for positive social change and to build the foundation for a just and peaceful world.

Peace depends on the participation of young people

Young people have the potential to act as greater forces for positive social change and to build the foundation for a just and…

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  • 11 Jul 2017
  • Speech

Family Planning Summit Opening Plenary Remarks

Remarks by Dr. Natalia Kanem, Acting UNFPA Executive Director, at the Family Planning Summit in London: It is a pleasure to be here – but for all of us at UNFPA, the pleasure is bittersweet. There is…

Family Planning Summit Opening Plenary Remarks

Remarks by Dr. Natalia Kanem, Acting UNFPA Executive Director, at the Family Planning Summit in London: It is a pleasure to be…

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