UNFPA Maldives
Despite a complex territory of 192 islands, the Maldives has achieved rapid development, with substantial declines in fertility and maternal mortality, and stronger systems to respond to gender-based violence. Offering support since 1976, and establishing its Country Office in 1994, UNFPA assists in delivering high-quality, equitable reproductive health services and information, and helps improve access for young people. Aid to use population data has increased capacities to account for population dynamics and improved targeting of public policies. UNFPA engages with parliamentarians, religious institutions, civil society and the media to promote gender equality.
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Programme Activities
Maldives 2014 Programme Activities data
Increased priority on adolescents, especially on very young adolescent girls, in national development policies and programmes, particularly increased availability of comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $49,353
UNFPA $56,588 (53%)
UNFPA $56,588 (53%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth
Increased national capacity to conduct evidence-based advocacy for incorporating adolescents and youth and their human rights/needs in national laws, policies, programmes, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $39,672
GOV $8,777 (18%)
GOV $8,777 (18%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexuality education
Increased national capacity to design and implement community and school based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes that promote human rights and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $16,915
GOV $40,576 (71%)
GOV $40,576 (71%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Data for development
Strengthened national policies and international development agendas through integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics and their links to sustainable development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $72,097
GOV $2,750 (4%)
GOV $2,750 (4%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (26%)
Non-core Resources (26%)
Analysis on population dynamics
Increased availability of evidence through cutting-edge in-depth analysis on population dynamics, sexual and reproductive health, HIV and their linkages to poverty eradication and sustainable development
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $20,040
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (1)
Non-core Resources (1)
Data for monitoring and evaluation of policies
Strengthened national capacity for using data and evidence to monitor and evaluate national policies and programmes in the areas of population dynamics, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV, adolescents and youth and gender equality, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $2,104
Funded by:
Core Resources
Data on population and development
Strengthened national capacity for production and dissemination of quality disaggregated data on population and development issues that allows for mapping of demographic disparities and socio-economic inequalities, and for programming in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $49,952
GOV $2,750 (5%)
GOV $2,750 (5%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (37)
Non-core Resources (37)
Gender equality and rights
Advanced gender equality, women's and girls' empowerment, and reproductive rights, including for the most vulnerable and marginalized women, adolescents and youth
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $79,897
GOV $15,849 (17%)
GOV $15,849 (17%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Engagement of civil society organizations
Strengthened engagement of civil society organizations to promote reproductive rights and women's empowerment, and address discrimination, including of marginalized and vulnerable groups, people living with HIV and key populations
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $22,377
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender-based violence and harmful practices
Increased capacity to prevent gender-based violence and harmful practices and enable the delivery of multisectoral services, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $57,521
Funded by:
Core Resources
Protection systems
Strengthened international and national protection systems for advancing reproductive rights, promoting gender equality and non-discrimination and addressing gender-based violence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $15,849
Funded by:
Core Resources
Integrated sexual and reproductive health
Increased availability and use of integrated sexual and reproductive health services (including family planning, maternal health and HIV) that are gender-responsive and meet human rights standards for quality of care and equity in access
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $56,510
UNFPA $97,075 (63%)
UNFPA $97,075 (63%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Family planning
Increased national capacity to strengthen enabling environments, increase demand for and supply of modern contraceptives and improve quality family planning services that are free of coercion, discrimination and violence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $17,631
GOV $4,810 (21%)
GOV $4,810 (21%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexual and reproductive health services
Increased national capacity to deliver integrated sexual and reproductive health services
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $79,444
GOV $51,700 (39%)
GOV $51,700 (39%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $34,983
UN $17,114 (33%)
UN $17,114 (33%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Organizational adaptability
Increased adaptability through innovation, partnership and communications
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
Funded by:
Core Resources
Programme effectiveness
Enhanced programme effectiveness by improving quality assurance, monitoring, and evaluation
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $34,773
UN $17,114 (33%)
UN $17,114 (33%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Resources management
Improved mobilization, management and alignment of resources through an increased focus on value for money and systematic risk management
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $140
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2015 Programme Activities data
Increased priority on adolescents, especially on very young adolescent girls, in national development policies and programmes, particularly increased availability of comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $75,999
GOV $2,229 (3%)
GOV $2,229 (3%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth
Increased national capacity to conduct evidence-based advocacy for incorporating adolescents and youth and their human rights/needs in national laws, policies, programmes, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $57,652
GOV $2,224 (4%)
GOV $2,224 (4%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexuality education
Increased national capacity to design and implement community and school based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes that promote human rights and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $18,347
GOV $5 (0%)
GOV $5 (0%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Data for development
Strengthened national policies and international development agendas through integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics and their links to sustainable development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $33,888
UNFPA $275,206 (89%)
UNFPA $275,206 (89%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (35%)
Non-core Resources (35%)
Data for monitoring and evaluation of policies
Strengthened national capacity for using data and evidence to monitor and evaluate national policies and programmes in the areas of population dynamics, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV, adolescents and youth and gender equality, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $107,936
GOV $7,589 (7%)
GOV $7,589 (7%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Data on population and development
Strengthened national capacity for production and dissemination of quality disaggregated data on population and development issues that allows for mapping of demographic disparities and socio-economic inequalities, and for programming in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $167,270
GOV $26,299 (14%)
GOV $26,299 (14%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (56)
Non-core Resources (56)
Gender equality and rights
Advanced gender equality, women's and girls' empowerment, and reproductive rights, including for the most vulnerable and marginalized women, adolescents and youth
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $85,742
Funded by:
Core Resources
Engagement of civil society organizations
Strengthened engagement of civil society organizations to promote reproductive rights and women's empowerment, and address discrimination, including of marginalized and vulnerable groups, people living with HIV and key populations
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $62,686
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender-based violence and harmful practices
Increased capacity to prevent gender-based violence and harmful practices and enable the delivery of multisectoral services, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $23,056
Funded by:
Core Resources
Integrated sexual and reproductive health
Increased availability and use of integrated sexual and reproductive health services (including family planning, maternal health and HIV) that are gender-responsive and meet human rights standards for quality of care and equity in access
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $78,510
Funded by:
Core Resources
Family planning
Increased national capacity to strengthen enabling environments, increase demand for and supply of modern contraceptives and improve quality family planning services that are free of coercion, discrimination and violence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $46,395
Funded by:
Core Resources
Increased national capacity to deliver HIV programmes that are free of stigma and discrimination, consistent with the UNAIDS unified budget results and accountability framework (UBRAF) commitments
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $2,482
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexual and reproductive health services
Increased national capacity to deliver integrated sexual and reproductive health services
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $29,632
Funded by:
Core Resources
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $3,411
UN $5,908 (63%)
UN $5,908 (63%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Programme effectiveness
Enhanced programme effectiveness by improving quality assurance, monitoring, and evaluation
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $3,411
UN $5,908 (63%)
UN $5,908 (63%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2016 Programme Activities data
Increased priority on adolescents, especially on very young adolescent girls, in national development policies and programmes, particularly increased availability of comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $174,843
GOV $7,611 (4%)
GOV $7,611 (4%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth
Increased national capacity to conduct evidence-based advocacy for incorporating adolescents and youth and their human rights/needs in national laws, policies, programmes, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $165,072
GOV $7,611 (4%)
GOV $7,611 (4%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexuality education
Increased national capacity to design and implement community and school based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes that promote human rights and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $9,771
Funded by:
Core Resources
Data for development
Strengthened national policies and international development agendas through integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics and their links to sustainable development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $184,933
GOV $25,000 (12%)
GOV $25,000 (12%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (56%)
Non-core Resources (56%)
Data for monitoring and evaluation of policies
Strengthened national capacity for using data and evidence to monitor and evaluate national policies and programmes in the areas of population dynamics, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV, adolescents and youth and gender equality, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $88,789
Funded by:
Core Resources
Data on population and development
Strengthened national capacity for production and dissemination of quality disaggregated data on population and development issues that allows for mapping of demographic disparities and socio-economic inequalities, and for programming in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $96,144
GOV $25,000 (21%)
GOV $25,000 (21%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (98)
Non-core Resources (98)
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $-2,381
Funded by:
Core Resources
Programme effectiveness
Enhanced programme effectiveness by improving quality assurance, monitoring, and evaluation
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $-2,381
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2017 Programme Activities data
Increased priority on adolescents, especially on very young adolescent girls, in national development policies and programmes, particularly increased availability of comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $227,102
GOV $7,922 (3%)
GOV $7,922 (3%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth
Increased national capacity to conduct evidence-based advocacy for incorporating adolescents and youth and their human rights/needs in national laws, policies, programmes, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $216,874
GOV $7,922 (4%)
GOV $7,922 (4%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexuality education
Increased national capacity to design and implement community and school based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes that promote human rights and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $10,228
Funded by:
Core Resources
Data for development
Strengthened national policies and international development agendas through integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics and their links to sustainable development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV and gender equality
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $49,357
Funded by:
Non-core Resources
National population data eco-systems
Strengthened national population data eco-systems, including capacity and infrastructure to generate, archive, analyze, disseminate, and use data to advance ICPD objectives and achieve the 2030 Agenda
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $38,816
Funded by:
Non-core Resources
Population dynamics and data into policies and programmes
Increased capacity to integrate population dynamics and health and social data into policies and programmes to advance human rights, redress inequalities and achieve equitable sustainable global, regional, national and sub-national development
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $10,541
Funded by:
Non-core Resources
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $13,858
Funded by:
Core Resources
Programme effectiveness
Enhanced programme effectiveness by improving quality assurance, monitoring, and evaluation
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $13,858
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2018 Programme Activities data
Empowerment of young people
Every adolescent and youth, in particular adolescent girls, is empowered to have access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in all contexts
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $66,097
NGO $15,485 (19%)
NGO $15,485 (19%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (10%)
Non-core Resources (10%)
Adolescents and youth policies
Policies and programmes in relevant sectors tackle the determinants of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health, development and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $8,177
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth skills and capabilities
Young people, in particular adolescent girls, have the skills and capabilities to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $11,360
NGO $15,485 (58%)
NGO $15,485 (58%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Youth leadership and participation
Young people have opportunities to exercise leadership and participate in sustainable development, humanitarian action and in sustaining peace
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $46,559
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (17)
Non-core Resources (17)
Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls
Gender equality, the empowerment of all women and girls, and reproductive rights are advanced in development and humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $11,331
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender and sociocultural norms
Strengthened civil society and community mobilization to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms affecting women and girls
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $6,096
Funded by:
Core Resources
Prevention and addressing of gender-based violence
Increased multisectoral capacity to prevent and address gender-based violence using a continuum approach in all contexts, with a focus on advocacy, data, health and health systems, psychosocial support and coordination
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $5,235
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population and development
Everyone, everywhere, is counted, and accounted for, in the pursuit of sustainable development
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $84,125
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (58%)
Non-core Resources (58%)
Demographic intelligence
Mainstreamed demographic intelligence to improve the responsiveness, targeting and impact of development policies, programmes and advocacy
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $35,121
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population data systems
Improved national population data systems to map and address inequalities; to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development; and to strengthen interventions in humanitarian crises
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $49,004
Funded by:
Non-core Resources
Utilization of sexual and reproductive health services
Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated sexual and reproductive health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $4,938
UNFPA $176,600 (97%)
UNFPA $176,600 (97%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Accountability for sexual and reproductive health
Improved domestic accountability mechanisms for sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights through the involvement of communities and health-system stakeholders at all levels
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $4,938
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexual and reproductive health polices for those furthest behind
Enhanced capacities to develop and implement policies, including financial protection mechanisms, that prioritize access to information and services for sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights for those furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $176,600
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2019 Programme Activities data
Empowerment of young people
Every adolescent and youth, in particular adolescent girls, is empowered to have access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in all contexts
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $27,667
NGO $5,263 (16%)
NGO $5,263 (16%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (67%)
Non-core Resources (67%)
Adolescents and youth policies
Policies and programmes in relevant sectors tackle the determinants of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health, development and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $521
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth skills and capabilities
Young people, in particular adolescent girls, have the skills and capabilities to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $5,133
NGO $5,263 (51%)
NGO $5,263 (51%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Youth leadership and participation
Young people have opportunities to exercise leadership and participate in sustainable development, humanitarian action and in sustaining peace
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $22,012
Funded by:
Non-core Resources
Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls
Gender equality, the empowerment of all women and girls, and reproductive rights are advanced in development and humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $31,707
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender equality laws and policies
Strengthened policy, legal and accountability frameworks to advance gender equality and empower women and girls to exercise their reproductive rights and to be protected from violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $6,388
Funded by:
Core Resources
Prevention and addressing of gender-based violence
Increased multisectoral capacity to prevent and address gender-based violence using a continuum approach in all contexts, with a focus on advocacy, data, health and health systems, psychosocial support and coordination
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $25,319
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population and development
Everyone, everywhere, is counted, and accounted for, in the pursuit of sustainable development
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $9,845
Funded by:
Core Resources
Demographic intelligence
Mainstreamed demographic intelligence to improve the responsiveness, targeting and impact of development policies, programmes and advocacy
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $9,845
Funded by:
Core Resources
Utilization of sexual and reproductive health services
Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated sexual and reproductive health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $284,858
Funded by:
Core Resources
Accountability for sexual and reproductive health
Improved domestic accountability mechanisms for sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights through the involvement of communities and health-system stakeholders at all levels
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $10,281
Funded by:
Core Resources
Health workforce capacity
Strengthened capacities of the health workforce, especially those of midwives, in health management and clinical skills for high-quality and integrated sexual and reproductive health services, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $13,800
Funded by:
Core Resources
Sexual and reproductive health polices for those furthest behind
Enhanced capacities to develop and implement policies, including financial protection mechanisms, that prioritize access to information and services for sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights for those furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $260,777
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2020 Programme Activities data
Empowerment of young people
Every adolescent and youth, in particular adolescent girls, is empowered to have access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in all contexts
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $134,856
NGO $416 (0%)
NGO $416 (0%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth policies
Policies and programmes in relevant sectors tackle the determinants of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health, development and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $44,172
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth skills and capabilities
Young people, in particular adolescent girls, have the skills and capabilities to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $15,286
NGO $416 (3%)
NGO $416 (3%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Youth leadership and participation
Young people have opportunities to exercise leadership and participate in sustainable development, humanitarian action and in sustaining peace
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $75,398
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls
Gender equality, the empowerment of all women and girls, and reproductive rights are advanced in development and humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
NGO $21,047
UNFPA $10,536 (33%)
UNFPA $10,536 (33%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Prevention and addressing of gender-based violence
Increased multisectoral capacity to prevent and address gender-based violence using a continuum approach in all contexts, with a focus on advocacy, data, health and health systems, psychosocial support and coordination
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $10,536
NGO $21,047 (67%)
NGO $21,047 (67%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $1,000
Funded by:
Core Resources
Improved programming for results
Improved programming for results
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
Funded by:
Core Resources
United Nations coordination and coherence
Increased contribution to United Nations system-wide results, coordination and coherence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $1,002
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population and development
Everyone, everywhere, is counted, and accounted for, in the pursuit of sustainable development
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $46,121
Funded by:
Core Resources
Demographic intelligence
Mainstreamed demographic intelligence to improve the responsiveness, targeting and impact of development policies, programmes and advocacy
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $33,592
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population data systems
Improved national population data systems to map and address inequalities; to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development; and to strengthen interventions in humanitarian crises
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $12,529
Funded by:
Core Resources
Utilization of sexual and reproductive health services
Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated sexual and reproductive health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $208,671
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (45%)
Non-core Resources (45%)
Integrated sexual and reproductive health services
Strengthened capacities to provide high-quality, integrated information and services for family planning, comprehensive maternal health, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, as well as information and services that are responsive to emergencies and fragile contexts
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $192,395
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (49)
Non-core Resources (49)
Sexual and reproductive health polices for those furthest behind
Enhanced capacities to develop and implement policies, including financial protection mechanisms, that prioritize access to information and services for sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights for those furthest behind, including in humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $16,276
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2021 Programme Activities data
Empowerment of young people
Every adolescent and youth, in particular adolescent girls, is empowered to have access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, in all contexts
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $120,464
NGO $3,902 (3%)
NGO $3,902 (3%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth policies
Policies and programmes in relevant sectors tackle the determinants of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health, development and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $21,689
Funded by:
Core Resources
Adolescents and youth skills and capabilities
Young people, in particular adolescent girls, have the skills and capabilities to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, and well-being
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $9,899
NGO $3,902 (28%)
NGO $3,902 (28%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Youth leadership and participation
Young people have opportunities to exercise leadership and participate in sustainable development, humanitarian action and in sustaining peace
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $88,875
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls
Gender equality, the empowerment of all women and girls, and reproductive rights are advanced in development and humanitarian settings
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $71,159
NGO $31 (0%)
NGO $31 (0%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (27%)
Non-core Resources (27%)
Gender and sociocultural norms
Strengthened civil society and community mobilization to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms affecting women and girls
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $4,516
Funded by:
Non-core Resources
Gender equality laws and policies
Strengthened policy, legal and accountability frameworks to advance gender equality and empower women and girls to exercise their reproductive rights and to be protected from violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $51,626
Funded by:
Core Resources
Prevention and addressing of gender-based violence
Increased multisectoral capacity to prevent and address gender-based violence using a continuum approach in all contexts, with a focus on advocacy, data, health and health systems, psychosocial support and coordination
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $15,017
NGO $31 (0%)
NGO $31 (0%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (100)
Non-core Resources (100)
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Organizational effectiveness and efficiency
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $5,427
Funded by:
Core Resources
Improved programming for results
Improved programming for results
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $5,427
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population and development
Everyone, everywhere, is counted, and accounted for, in the pursuit of sustainable development
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $141,022
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (46%)
Non-core Resources (46%)
Demographic intelligence
Mainstreamed demographic intelligence to improve the responsiveness, targeting and impact of development policies, programmes and advocacy
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $74,792
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (87)
Non-core Resources (87)
Population data systems
Improved national population data systems to map and address inequalities; to advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development; and to strengthen interventions in humanitarian crises
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $66,230
Funded by:
Core Resources
Utilization of sexual and reproductive health services
Every woman, adolescent and youth everywhere, especially those furthest behind, has utilized integrated sexual and reproductive health services and exercised reproductive rights, free of coercion, discrimination and violence
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $258,945
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (73%)
Non-core Resources (73%)
Integrated sexual and reproductive health services
Strengthened capacities to provide high-quality, integrated information and services for family planning, comprehensive maternal health, sexually transmitted infections and HIV, as well as information and services that are responsive to emergencies and fragile contexts
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $258,945
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (73)
Non-core Resources (73)
Maldives 2022 Programme Activities data
Ending gender-based violence and harmful practices
By 2025, the reduction in gender-based violence and harmful practices has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $350,941
NGO $18,023 (4%)
GOV $39,472 (10%)
NGO $18,023 (4%)
GOV $39,472 (10%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (16%)
Non-core Resources (16%)
Adolescents and youth
By 2025, strengthened skills and opportunities for adolescents and youth to ensure bodily autonomy, leadership and participation, and to build human capital
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $21,500
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender and social norms
By 2025, strengthened mechanisms and capacities of actors and institutions to address discriminatory gender and social norms to advance gender equality and women’s decision-making
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $172,969
NGO $18,023 (9%)
NGO $18,023 (9%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (34)
Non-core Resources (34)
Policy and accountability
By 2025, improved integration of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, as well as the prevention of and response to gender-based violence and harmful practices, into universal health coverage-related policies and plans, and other relevant laws, policies, plans, and accountability frameworks
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $73,212
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population change and data
By 2025, strengthened data systems and evidence that take into account population changes and other megatrends (including ageing and climate change), in development policies and programmes, especially those related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $80,809
GOV $39,472 (33%)
GOV $39,472 (33%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Quality of care and services
By 2025, strengthened capacity of systems, institutions and communities to provide high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including supplies, as well as essential services to address gender-based violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $2,451
Funded by:
Core Resources
Ending the unmet need for family planning
By 2025, the reduction in the unmet need for family planning has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $248,051
NGO $9,346 (3%)
GOV $78,123 (23%)
NGO $9,346 (3%)
GOV $78,123 (23%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (0%)
Non-core Resources (0%)
Adolescents and youth
By 2025, strengthened skills and opportunities for adolescents and youth to ensure bodily autonomy, leadership and participation, and to build human capital
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $47,949
NGO $9,346 (16%)
NGO $9,346 (16%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender and social norms
By 2025, strengthened mechanisms and capacities of actors and institutions to address discriminatory gender and social norms to advance gender equality and women’s decision-making
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $14,943
Funded by:
Core Resources
Policy and accountability
By 2025, improved integration of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, as well as the prevention of and response to gender-based violence and harmful practices, into universal health coverage-related policies and plans, and other relevant laws, policies, plans, and accountability frameworks
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $94,245
GOV $19,000 (17%)
GOV $19,000 (17%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (1)
Non-core Resources (1)
Population change and data
By 2025, strengthened data systems and evidence that take into account population changes and other megatrends (including ageing and climate change), in development policies and programmes, especially those related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $88,526
GOV $59,123 (40%)
GOV $59,123 (40%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Quality of care and services
By 2025, strengthened capacity of systems, institutions and communities to provide high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including supplies, as well as essential services to address gender-based violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $2,387
Funded by:
Core Resources
Maldives 2023 Programme Activities data
Ending gender-based violence and harmful practices
By 2025, the reduction in gender-based violence and harmful practices has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
NGO $4,351
UNFPA $237,050 (97%)
GOV $2,211 (1%)
UNFPA $237,050 (97%)
GOV $2,211 (1%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender and social norms
By 2025, strengthened mechanisms and capacities of actors and institutions to address discriminatory gender and social norms to advance gender equality and women’s decision-making
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $137,099
NGO $4,351 (3%)
NGO $4,351 (3%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Policy and accountability
By 2025, improved integration of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, as well as the prevention of and response to gender-based violence and harmful practices, into universal health coverage-related policies and plans, and other relevant laws, policies, plans, and accountability frameworks
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $51,767
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population change and data
By 2025, strengthened data systems and evidence that take into account population changes and other megatrends (including ageing and climate change), in development policies and programmes, especially those related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $48,185
GOV $2,211 (4%)
GOV $2,211 (4%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Ending preventable maternal deaths
By 2025, the reduction of preventable maternal deaths has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $0 (4%)
GOV $0 (4%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender and social norms
By 2025, strengthened mechanisms and capacities of actors and institutions to address discriminatory gender and social norms to advance gender equality and women’s decision-making
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
Funded by:
Core Resources
Policy and accountability
By 2025, improved integration of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, as well as the prevention of and response to gender-based violence and harmful practices, into universal health coverage-related policies and plans, and other relevant laws, policies, plans, and accountability frameworks
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
Funded by:
Core Resources
Population change and data
By 2025, strengthened data systems and evidence that take into account population changes and other megatrends (including ageing and climate change), in development policies and programmes, especially those related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
GOV $0 (0%)
GOV $0 (0%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Ending the unmet need for family planning
By 2025, the reduction in the unmet need for family planning has accelerated
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $274,431
GOV $7,703 (3%)
GOV $7,703 (3%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (16%)
Non-core Resources (16%)
Adolescents and youth
By 2025, strengthened skills and opportunities for adolescents and youth to ensure bodily autonomy, leadership and participation, and to build human capital
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $18,236
Funded by:
Core Resources
Gender and social norms
By 2025, strengthened mechanisms and capacities of actors and institutions to address discriminatory gender and social norms to advance gender equality and women’s decision-making
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $3,896
Funded by:
Core Resources
Policy and accountability
By 2025, improved integration of sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, as well as the prevention of and response to gender-based violence and harmful practices, into universal health coverage-related policies and plans, and other relevant laws, policies, plans, and accountability frameworks
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $162,601
Funded by:
Core Resources
Non-core Resources (29)
Non-core Resources (29)
Population change and data
By 2025, strengthened data systems and evidence that take into account population changes and other megatrends (including ageing and climate change), in development policies and programmes, especially those related to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $79,759
GOV $7,703 (9%)
GOV $7,703 (9%)
Funded by:
Core Resources
Quality of care and services
By 2025, strengthened capacity of systems, institutions and communities to provide high-quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services, including supplies, as well as essential services to address gender-based violence and harmful practices
Total Spending:
Implemented by:
UNFPA $9,939
Funded by:
Core Resources