Evaluation of UNFPA support to population and housing census data to inform decision-making and policy formulation (2005-2014)

The evaluation purpose was to assess the contribution of UNFPA support to strengthening national capacity for the production of census data and its use in evidence-based decision-making and policy formulation.

Lessons learned from UNFPA Country Programme Evaluations

This report brings together the findings from a sample of 30 UNFPA CPE reports, conducted and quality-assessed between 2010 and 2013.
The intended use of the report is to inform and guide UNFPA strategies, programmes and operational systems.

Bangladesh Country Programme Evaluation

The overall purpose of the evaluation of the UNFPA eighth country programme of assistance to the Government of Bangladesh (2012-2016) was to provide an independent and useful evaluation report meant to inform decision making, primarily at country office level, but also at regional office and headquarters levels.

Lebanon Country Programme Evaluation

The overall purpose of the independent evaluation of the UNFPA 3rd country programme of assistance to the Government of Lebanon is to produce an independent and useful evaluation report, with a view to contributing to the elaboration of the next UNFPA country programme.

Joint Evaluation of Joint Gender Programmes in the UN System

This evaluation is being undertaken to provide credible and useful evaluative information on the added value and worth of Joint Gender Programmes in the UN System (JGP) and to generate knowledge on JGP for their improvement, including the identification of key lessons learned and challenges and capturing best practices.

UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Evaluation of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): Accelerating Change

The joint evaluation assesses the extent to which the UNFPA-UNICEF joint programme has accelerated the abandonment of FGM/C in 15 programme countries (2008-2012). The evaluation provides an opportunity to ensure accountability to donors and other stakeholders, and is also a useful learning exercise.

Madagascar Country Programme Evaluation

l’évaluation indépendante du 6ème programme de pays du FNUAP à Madagascar, couvrant la période 2008-2013. L’évaluation a été conduite par le Service de l’évaluation du FNUAP.

UNFPA Support to Maternal Health (2000-2011)

Maternal mortality represents the greatest health inequity in the world. No other health indicator as starkly illustrates global disparities in human development. Each year more than 350,000 women die during pregnancy or childbirth.

Cameroon Country Programme Evaluation

The Evaluation Report presents an independent programme-level evaluation of the UNFPA support to Cameroon covering the fifth Country Programme (2008-2012) conducted by the Evaluation Branch (DOS).

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