Joint Evaluation of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Abandonment of Female Genital Mutilation: Accelerating Change Phase I and II (2008–2017)
Resource date: 01 Jul 2019
Resource date: 01 Jul 2019
Watch Alexandra Chambel, Lead evaluation manager and chair of the evaluation management group, present highlights of the evaluation
The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which, and under what circumstances, the Joint Programme has contributed to accelerating the abandonment of FGM over the last 10 years and to provide recommendations on how to accelerate change to end FGM. Information generated through this evaluation will be used to inform implementation of Phase III of the Joint Programme (2018-2021), and UNFPA and UNICEF work beyond 2021.
The 48 findings of the evaluation are clustered around the following themes, relevance of programme design; contributions of the programme towards the abandonment of FGM; synergies to accelerate efforts to end FGM; Joint Programme management systems and efficiency; and long-term approaches for the abandonment of FGM.
Evaluation Report Volume 2 (Annexes)
Evaluation Report Volume 3 (Country case study evidence tables: Kenya, Ethiopia, Egypt and Senegal)
Evaluation of Phase I of the Joint Programme
Read an article on the integration of gender responsive and human rights approaches in the evaluation. The article was featured in UN Women IES e-magazine TRANSFORM, Issue 18: Gender-responsive evaluations: Good practice approaches and methods.