UNFPA South Sudan

South Sudan gained independence in 2011. With less than half the population able to access health facilities and a shortage of skilled birth attendants, the maternal death rate is high. Active since 2006, UNFPA began full-fledged operations in 2012. Current programmes help build the health system and develop capacities for providing reproductive health care, including through training midwives. Other measures seek to prevent gender-based violence, and develop systems to produce and use demographic data for development.

Data overview View more


Population, by age group, per cent
    Population aged 0-14
    Population aged 15-64
    Population aged 65+

Sexual and reproductive health

Births attended by skilled health personnel, per cent, 2014-2019
    Births attended by skilled health personnel

Family Planning

Proportion of demand satisfied with modern methods, women aged 15-49, per cent, 2022
    Modern method  


Total net enrolment rate, percent

Gender, Rights, and Human Capital

Decision making on sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, percent, 2007-2022:
Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 girls aged 15-19, 2024:
Intimate partner violence, past 12 months, percent, 2018:
Decision making on women's own health care, percent, 2007-2022:
Decision making on contraceptive use, percent, 2007-2022:
Decision making on sexual intercourse, percent, 2007-2022:

Harmful Practices

Child marriage by age 18, percent, 2023:
Female genital mutilation prevalence among girls aged 15-19, percent, 2022:
Demographic Dividend: South Sudan View more

Population Pyramid

Year: 1950
1000 men aged 100+ in 19600 women aged 100+ in 19600 men aged 95-99 in 19600 women aged 95-99 in 1960900 men aged 90-94 in 19600 women aged 90-94 in 19600 men aged 85-89 in 19600 women aged 85-89 in 1960800 men aged 80-84 in 19600 women aged 80-84 in 19600 men aged 75-79 in 19602 women aged 75-79 in 1960704 men aged 70-74 in 19605 women aged 70-74 in 19605 men aged 65-69 in 19605 women aged 65-69 in 1960605 men aged 60-64 in 19607 women aged 60-64 in 19609 men aged 55-59 in 196010 women aged 55-59 in 19605010 men aged 50-54 in 196010 women aged 50-54 in 196011 men aged 45-49 in 196014 women aged 45-49 in 19604015 men aged 40-44 in 196015 women aged 40-44 in 196017 men aged 35-39 in 196017 women aged 35-39 in 19603020 men aged 30-34 in 196020 women aged 30-34 in 196021 men aged 25-29 in 196020 women aged 25-29 in 19602025 men aged 20-24 in 196025 women aged 20-24 in 196029 men aged 15-19 in 196029 women aged 15-19 in 19601035 men aged 10-14 in 196033 women aged 10-14 in 196041 men aged 5-9 in 196042 women aged 5-9 in 1960049 men aged 0-4 in 196050 women aged 0-4 in 1960age5010015020050100150200
Population in thousands

العمر المتوقع عند الولادة

Life expectancy is 43

Total fertility rate

Total fertility rate is 6.10
Select year range
Year : 1960 Note: Years 2017 to 2100 are projected data.
Source: United Nations, Population Division, World Population Prospects: 2017 Revision

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