UNFPA Country Programme Evaluation: Myanmar (2012 - 2017)

UNFPA Country Programme Evaluation: Myanmar (2012 - 2017)



Asia & the Pacific




UNFPA third country programme 2012-2017 (CP3) consists of interventions covering sexual and reproductive health and rights; population and development; and gender equality.  Given the country’s high vulnerability context, CP3 includes humanitarian response as well.  The objective of the CP3 evaluation is to assess the programme performance; determine the factors that facilitated or hindered achievement, and document the lessons learned from the past cooperation and UNFPA strategic positioning in the country that could inform the formulation of the next Country Programme, CP4 for the period 2018-2022, which will form the basis for further UNFPA’s support in Myanmar. The intended audience for the evaluation and its uses are the UNFPA Country Office, Government partners, relevant UN Agencies, other development partners, Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) and UNFPA Head Quarters. 

نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط والمعرفات الأخرى للمساعدة في تحسين تجربتك عبر الإنترنت. باستخدام موقعنا الإلكتروني توافق على ذلك، راجع سياسة ملفات تعريف الارتباط الخاصة بنا.