Adolescents and Youth Dashboard - Comoros

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Population distribution by age, region and residence - Comoros
Sex and age group
Female aged 10-14
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3
Created with Highcharts - 17.7%17.8% - 28.5%28.6% - 39.2%39.3% and More
Age groupNumber Percentage of total female population Number Percentage of total male population
10-14 46,800 11.6 48,408 11.8
15-19 41,498 10.3 42,871 10.4
20-24 37,161 9.2 38,314 9.3
Source: GLOBAL_Revision of the World Population Prospects 2017
Child marriage - Comoros
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Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 15

Select Indicator
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 15
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 18
  • Marital status of girls currently aged 15-19
  • Marital status of women currently aged 20-24
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 20128.7% - 9.6%9.7% - 10.5%10.6% - 11.4%11.5% and More

Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who were married before age 18 or 15

Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012Married before age 18Married before age 15ComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest02040

Percentage of 15-24 year old females who think that wife beating is justified under at least one condition

Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012Never-marriedCurrently married/in unionComorosRuralUrbanMwaliNdzuwaniNgazidja020406080100
Adolescent pregnancy - Comoros

Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who gave birth before age 18 or 15

  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who gave birth before age 15
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who gave birth before age 18
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 20122.9% - 4.7%4.8% - 6.5%6.6% - 8.4%8.5% and More
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012Gave birth before age 18Gave birth before age 15ComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest02040
Sexual and reproductive health - Comoros
  • Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who are sexually active
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Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV

  • Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV
  • Percentage of all girls, aged 15-19, who are sexually active
  • Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who have never been married and are sexually active
Comprehensive knowledge means knowing that consistent use of condoms during sexual intercourse and having just one uninfected faithful partner can reduce the chance of getting HIV, knowing that a healthy-looking person can have HIV, and rejecting the two most common local misconceptions about HIV transmission or prevention.
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 20127.2% - 15.2%15.3% - 23.2%23.3% - 31.3%31.4% and More
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 201215-19 years old20-24 years oldComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest02040
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012Ever had sexSexually activeComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest02040
Sexually active indicates women had last sexual intercourse within 4 weeks preceding the survey
Family planning - Comoros
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Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who are in a marriage/union and are currently using any method of contraception

  • Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who are in a marriage/union and are currently using any method of contraception
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who are in a marriage/union and are currently using any method of contraception
  • Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who are in a marriage/union and are currently using any method of contraception
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who are in a marriage/union and are currently using any method of contraception
  • Percentage of currently married/in union females aged 15-19 who are not currently using any contraceptive method
  • Percentage of currently married/in union females aged 20-24 who are not currently using any contraceptive method
  • Percentage of currently married/in union females aged 15-19 who are not currently using any contraceptive method
  • Percentage of currently married/in union females aged 20-24 who are not currently using any contraceptive method
  • Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who are in a marriage/union and have an unmet need for family planning
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who are in a marriage/union and have an unmet need for family planning
  • Percentage of girls, aged 15-19, who are in a marriage/union and have their demand for contraception satisfied
  • Percentage of women, aged 20-24, who are in a marriage/union and have their demand for contraception satisfied
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 20123.2% - 7.7%7.8% - 12.2%12.3% - 16.6%16.7% and More
Data not available
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 201215-19 years old20-24 years oldComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest020406080
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 201215-19 years old20-24 years oldComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest0204060
Gender equality and women’s empowerment - Comoros
  • Percentage of women and girls, aged 15-24, who have a husband/cohabiting partner who is 10 or more years older Percentage of women and girls, aged 15-24, who have a husband/cohabiting partner by age difference
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Percentage of women and girls, aged 15-24, who think that wife beating can be justified

  • Proportion of women 15-19 involved in decision making for own health care
  • Proportion of women 20-24 involved in decision making for own health care
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 201238.8% - 39.9%40.0% - 41.0%41.1% - 42.0%42.1% and More
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012ComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest020406080
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012ComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest0204060
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012Partner less than 5 years older/same age/youngerPartner 5-9 years olderPartner 10 or more years olderComorosRuralUrbanNo educationPrimary educationSecondary educationLowestSecondMiddleFourthHighest020406080100120
Residence and school attendance - Comoros
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Percentage of girls, aged 10-14, residing with both, one or neither parents

  • Percentage of girls, aged 10-14, residing with both, one or neither parents
  • Percentage of boys, aged 10-14, residing with both, one or neither parents
  • Girls, aged 10-14, by school attendance
  • Girls, aged 15-19, by school attendance
  • Boys, aged 10-14, by school attendance
  • Boys, aged 15-19, by school attendance
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012Neither parent in householdEither mother or father in householdBoth parent in householdComorosRuralUrbanMwaliNdzuwaniNgazidja020406080100120
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012In school (right grade)In school (wrong grade)Out of schoolComorosRuralUrbanMwaliNdzuwaniNgazidja020406080100120
Created with Highcharts 4.0.3Source:Demographic and Health Surveys 2012In school (right grade)In school (wrong grade)Out of schoolComorosRuralUrbanMwaliNdzuwaniNgazidja020406080100120

DHS 2012 unless otherwise indicated | United Nations Population Fund | 2025

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