Trinidad and Tobago Humanitarian Emergency

Trinidad and Tobago is receiving increasing numbers of refugees and migrants from Venezuela, who undertake dangerous boat journeys to reach countries in the Caribbean. Refugees and migrants face increased protection risks, including gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation. They also face obstacles in accessing basic health information, including information on family planning and prenatal care, and often lack knowledge of available health services. UNFPA's response in Trinidad and Tobago includes provision of family planning services and information, maternal and newborn care, distribution of dignity kits as well as GBV prevention and response services.

Humanitarian needs

Last updated on - June 2024

Total people in need


Humanitarian funding

Resources in US$

Key humanitarian results 2023

People Targeted by UNFPA

People in need

Adolescents and youth (10-24) reached with SRH services

People reached with SRH information and awareness activities in person

People reached with GBV prevention, mitigation and response activities

People reached with SRH services

People reached with awareness-raising activities and GBV-lifesaving information in-person

Dignity kits and/or other Non-Food Items distributed

Health facilities supported by UNFPA

Personnel trained on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH

Non-specialised GBV humanitarian workers / frontline workers who were trained /oriented on GBV core concepts and guidelines

  • Results data are reported and updated as they become available.
  • -Targets and UNFPA's populations of concern, including women of reproductive age and pregnant women, are estimated using the MISP calculator.
  • -Funding estimates are based on country planning processes, including inter-agency humanitarian response plans and regional refugee and resilience plans.

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