Commission on Population and Development, 56th session

10 - 14 April 2023


In a world grappling with upheaval and uncertainty, every crisis has a decidedly female face, UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem said while addressing the Commission on Population and Development last year. “The face of a woman haunted by the shadow pandemic of gender-based violence or conflict, or often by both. The face of a girl married or mutilated against her will, pregnant before her body is ready, as barriers are thrown up to protective sexual and reproductive health services. The face of a girl kept out of school due to pandemic disruptions, and further excluded from learning by poverty and the digital divide.” 

This year, as we mark the 56th session of the Commission on Population and Development, her words continue to ring true. 

The theme for this year’s session is “Population, Education and Sustainable Development.” Dr. Kanem will deliver the opening and closing remarks at the session, as is the tradition.

To frame the discussions during the event, UNFPA has prepared two Secretary-General’s reports, one on the flow of financial resources and the other on this year’s theme, with recommendations on interventions that have successfully advanced education worldwide and highlighted persistent needs and the importance of education – including comprehensive sexuality education – as key factors in development, health and economic growth. In addition, the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs prepared a thematic report that examines links between population, education and sustainable development.

The Commission on Population and Development is made up of 47 Member States elected by the United Nations Economic and Social Council for a period of four years on the basis of geographic distribution. It assists the Council in many ways, including advising on population issues and trends and by monitoring and assessing the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.

The proceedings of this year’s session will be broadcast on UN Web TV. Programmes and documents from the session, including the Secretary-General’s reports, can be found here

Please also join the high-level side event “Advancing the ICPD25 commitments in the context of sustainable development using a framework of sexual and reproductive health, rights and justice.” The event – at which UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem will deliver remarks – offers an opportunity to reflect on the gains and gaps in progress since the Nairobi Summit and will provide a platform for sharing good practices and lessons learned in advancing the voluntary ICPD25 commitments, as well as opportunities for further implementation.

Date and time: Monday, 10 April 2023, 13:15-14:30 EDT 

For more information, see the event concept note and flyer.

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