Generation Equality Forum

30 - 02 July 2021


Kicked off by the Government of Mexico in Mexico City in March, the Generation Equality Forum culminates with three days of events co-hosted by the Government of France in Paris, all to advance progress in realizing Sustainable Development Goal 5 by 2030: Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls.  

The Paris forum will launch the Global Acceleration Plan for Gender Equality structured on six action coalitions, which are partnerships among governments, international, civil society and youth organizations and the private sector. 

As a co-leader of the Bodily Autonomy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights coalition, UNFPA champions such issues as upholding the right to sexual and reproductive health and care including family planning, advocating for safe birth and maternal health, eradicating gender-based violence and harmful practices and endorsing comprehensive sexuality education. 

The other five action coalitions are: Gender-based Violence, Economic Justice and Rights, Feminist Action for Climate Justice, Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality and Feminist Movement and Leadership. 

As part of the opening ceremony, when commitments powering global momentum for women’s rights will be unveiled by heads of state and governments, civil society and private society leaders and heads of international organizations, a segment on sexual and reproductive health and rights will be held with UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem and Klementyna Suchanow, activist and women’s rights social movement leader from Poland.

The pandemic not only exposed the gender inequities that lurk in every part of the globe, it deepened them. Convened by UN Women, the forum is a chance and a call to galvanize every part of the globe to confront and close those chasms.

To register for the forum and find ways to get involved, please visit here


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