Needs Assessment Conference for Census Analysis

11 - 13 November 2009

Dakar, Senegal

Background Information

The main objective of the conference, which is sponsored by UNFPA and the UN Statistics Division, is to create a dialogue between census specialists and population data users in the region of sub-Saharan Africa. The aim is to achieve timely, accurate, and relevant census data relevant to the policy needs of the region.

Countries that have recently completed their census or that will execute their census operation before the end of 2011 will be asked to evaluate their needs for data analysis and the extent to which these needs are reflected in their proposed plans. Countries that have completed their census before 2008 and that have worthwhile experiences and best practices to report will be asked to share them. In addition, a limited number of institutions from outside the region will be asked to share worthwhile experiences and best practices from their part of the world.

At the end of the conference, a number of recommendations will be produced to provide guidance in the formulation of census analysis plans that are likely to produce the kind of information that policy-makers need and do so within an acceptable time frame. These recommendations should also consider the issue of dissemination of census information for analysis by universities and research institutions.

About 80 participants are expected to attend, including:

  • 30-35 staff members of national statistical offices in region, mostly technical specialists who have had or are likely to have technical responsibilities in the process of census analysis
  • 5-10 representatives of Ministries of Planning or other potential users of the information to be generated in the censuses;
  • 5-10 representatives of universities or research organizations in the region
  • 5-10 technical specialists from other regions, to transmit successful experiences from their countries or regions;
  • 20-25 representatives of international organizations or donor countries active in funding or technically supporting the censuses in the region



Wednesday, 11 November 2009

8:15-9:00 Registration, Housekeeping issues
9:00-10:15 Opening/welcome speeches
  Mr. Faustin Yao, Director of the UNFPA SRO
  Ms. Rose Gakuba, UNFPA Country Representative Minister of Finance and Economy of Senegal or his Representative
  Ms. Babakar Fall, Director of Agence Nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie (ANSD)
  Speaker on behalf of the Organizing Committee - Ms. Jean-Michel Durr, Director UN Statistics Division (UNSD)
10:15-10:30 Coffee/Tea break
Session 1
Richard Dackam: Introductory Paper on the Objectives of the Conference and an Overview of Themes for Analysis
  Laurent Assogba: Use of Census Data for Planning Selected Development Sector Strategies
  Rogelio Fernández: UNFPA’s Special Census Initiative
  Jean-Michel Durr: UNSD’s Activities in Support of Census Analysis in Africa
  Helen Kamden Kamgno: Perspective on the Use of Census Data at IFORD
12:45-14:00  Lunch break
Session 2
  Thomas Buettner: Need for the Revision of Indirect Fertility and Mortality Estimation Methods
  Alfred Agwanda: Available Options for Estimating Basic Fertility Indicators for the 2010
Round of Censuses
  Thomas McDevitt: Imputation Methods and their Impact on the Analysis of Census Data
  Ricardo Neupert: Problems in Indirect Fertility and Mortality Estimation, with Examples from Swaziland, Lesotho, and Mozambique
  Rogelio Fernández: Imputation of Census Data and its Potential Effect on Fertility and Mortality Estimation (to be coordinated with Michael Levin)
16:15-18:00 Coffee/Tea break
Session 3
  Michael Levin: Uses of the Own Children Method with African Census Data
  Boubacar Sow: Analysis of Maternal Mortality in the African PHCs
  Ralph Hakkert: Maternal Mortality Analysis Using Census Data (for Michel Garenne and Vincent Faveau

 Day 2

Thursday, November 12

Session 4
  Arão MBalate: Report on the Census Analysis in Mozambique
  Benjamin Zanou: Report on the Census Analysis in Burkina Faso
  Kwenagape Kenny Mogotsinyane: Report on the Census Analysis in Botswana
  Maria de L. Lopes: Report on the Census Analysis in Cape Verde
  Assefa Hailemariam*: Report on the Census Analysis in Ethiopia
  Jayant Banthia: Report on Census Analysis in Nigeria
10:30-10:45  Coffee/Tea break
Session 5
  Margaret Africa:  Census Data Quality and Needs - The Experience of South Africa
  Johnson Q. Kei: The Census Analysis Plan of Liberia (Data Producer Viewpoint)
  Noe Nduwabike: The Census Analysis Plan of Burundi
  Assa Gakou-Doumbia: The Census Analysis Plan of Mali
12:45-14:00  Lunch break
Session 6
  Pauline Enkono : The Census Analysis Plan of Namibia
  Dhananjay Juleemun: The Census Analysis Plan of Mauritius
  Larry P. Younquoi: The Census Analysis Plan of Liberia (Data User Viewpoint)
  Mainga Luwabelwa: The Census Analysis Plan of Zambia (Data User Viewpoint)
16:00-16:15 Coffee/Tea break
Session 7
  Coordinator: Mady Biaye - Discussion session on user and producer perspectives on census analysis

 Day 3

Friday, November 13

Session 8
  Bernardo Guerrero Lozano: The Experience with the 2005 Census Analysis of Colombia
  Alicia Bercovich: Preparations for the 2010 Census in Brazil and IBGE’s Cooperation Programme with Lusophone Africa
  Dirk Jaspers Faijer: Policy-Oriented Analyses of Census Data in Latin America
  Raphael Mfoulou: Compatibility Issues between Country Data and International Data
   Thomas Buettner: Comment on the Latter from the Perspective of UNPD
10:30-10:45  Coffee/Tea break
Session 9
  Megan Todd: Use of Census Data for Spatial Population Analysis
  Richmond Tiemoko: Use of Census Information for Migration and Mobility
  Sabrina Juran: Potential Uses of Census Information for Environmental Analysis and Climate Change (for José Miguel Guzmán)
  Jean Wakam: Possibilities and Limitations of the Analysis of Schooling Based on Census Data in Africa
  Vodounou Cosme: Lessons Learned with Census Data for Multidimensional Poverty Analysis
12:45-14:00  Lunch break
Session 10
  Grace Bediako*: Gender Analysis Based on Census Data
  Gora Mboup: Analysis of Human Settlements and Urbanization Based on Census Data
  Ralph Hakkert: Challenges in Census-Based Sub-National Population Projections
  Ricardo Neupert: Distance Training on Population Projection Methods
  Dirk Jaspers Faijer: Use of REDATAM for Census Analysis and Dissemination
  Nicholas Pron*: Census Info: an Instrument for Census Data Dissemination
 16:00-16:15 Coffee/Tea break
 16:15-18:00 Drafting of Report and Recommendations
 18:00-18:15 Closing Session

* The presentations marked with an asterisk are still to be confirmed.
** All titles of presentations are listed in English. Some will be made in French.

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