New Evidence and Strategies for Scaling up Postabortion Care

12 - 13 May 2010

Suzanne Mubarak Center for Women’s Health and Development, Alexandria, EGYPT

Regional Meeting of Key Stakeholders from Africa and the Arab States

Preventing unsafe abortions, and decreasing morbidity and mortality caused by them can be one of the fastest and most effective ways for decreasing maternal mortality. To reach this goal, postabortion care should be available and accessible for all women (as called for in the ICPD Programme of Action, para 8.25)  through primary health care and emergency obstetric care. Postabortion care also provides an entry point for family planning counselling and services and it should include, or at least be linked to family planning  services.

To address this issue, a meeting of key stakeholders was organized by UNFPA ( Africa and Arab States Regional Offices and Technical Division) in collaboration with Gynuity, an international organization based in New York with substantial work in postabortion care. Its  two main objectives: To bring together evidence and experience on postabortion care in improving the health of women, their families and communities; and to discuss how to make postabortion care more accessible to women and communities in the light of recent evidence on postabortion care.



Gallery of Photos


The Global Magnitude and Consequences of Unsafe Abortion
Susheela Singh, Guttmacher Institute

Programming for Unsafe Abortion in Sub Saharan Africa
Florence Oryem-Ebanyat, UNFPA East-Southern Africa Subregional Office

Situation of Abortion and PAC in Arab Countries
Maha Eladawy, UNFPA Arab States Regional Office

Pac with MVA: Many gains; Many challenges; Uncertain future
Joachim Osur, Ipas

Misoprostol: A Review of the International Evidence for Post Abortion Care
Beverly Winikoff, GynuityHealth Projects

How Misoprostol Treatment Changes the Paradigm on Postabortion Care
Rasha Dabash, Gynuity Health Projects

Increasing Access to Post Abortion Care: Integration of PAC into other Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
Kelly Culwell, IPPF

Challenges and opportunities in providing post abortion family planning services
Sally Saher, The Population Council

Linkages and partnerships in PAC: The role of FIGO
Anibal Faundes, FIGO

The Introduction and Scale-up of Postabortion Care: Burkina Faso
Thieba Blandine, Société Africaine de Gynecologie et d'Obstétrique (SAGO)

The Experience of Postabortion Care Introduction and Expansion in Egypt
Mohamed Cherine, El Galaa Teaching Hospital & Emad Darwish, Shatby Maternity University Hospital

L’Expérience Tunisienne et l’évolution des services de l’avortement et PF depuis 1965
Mongia Ben Attia, Office Nationale de la Famille et de la Population

Postabortion Care Services: Successes, Challenges and Lessons Learned

The case of Uganda
Miriam Sentongo, MoH

The case of Senegal
El Hadj Ousseynou Faye, Reproductive Health Division

The case of Zambia
Mubiana Inambao, Central Hospital, MoH

The case of Egypt
Magdy Khaled, UNFPA Country Office

The case of Morocco
Hassan Alami, CHU Rabat

The case of Benin
Marcelle Totchenou, MoH

The case of Mali

Scaling up Postabortion Care: National Strategies and Guidelines
Nuriye Ortayli, UNFPA Technical Division

Procurement of RH Commodities
Kabir Ahmed, UNFPA Technical Division

Programmatic guidance, training and expansion of services
Ayisha Diop, Gynuity Health Projects


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