Independent country programme evaluation: Liberia 2013 – 2017

Independent country programme evaluation: Liberia 2013 – 2017



West & Central Africa




This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) is intended to provide an independent evaluation of the UNFPA’s fourth Country Program (CP) of Assistance to the Government of Liberia 2013-2017. The CPE focuses on four CP theme areas: 1) Maternal and new born health including family planning (MNBH + FP); 2) Data availability and analysis [referred to as Population and Development (P&D)]; 3) Young people's sexual and reproductive health and sexuality education (Youth); and 4) Gender equality and reproductive rights (GE&RR). The CPE covers from 2013 to March 2017 and includes eleven (11) of Liberia’s 15 counties where the CP has been implemented. The field work was implemented in March 2017 with travel to intervention sites in eight counties.

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