Consultancy - Country Programme Evaluation Team Leader

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 10 Jan 2020 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Somalia, Kenya

Opening for International Consultancy for conducting the Somalia Country Programme Evaluation 2018-2020

Duty Station:   Somalia/Kenya 
Duration of the contract and timeline:  15 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 . (Maximum 77 working days)                                                                
Deadline for applicataions: 10 January 2020          

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Somalia Country Office is planning to conduct a Country Programme Evaluation (CPE) for its 3rd Country Programme (CP) of Cooperation (2018-2020). 
The primary purpose of the CPE is to provide an informative, evidence-based assessment of its 3rd Country Programme of Cooperation (2018-2020) to be used in the formulation of the next programme cycle. The second purpose is to show UNFPA Somalia country office’s accountability towards its stakeholders, donors and partners. 
The overall objective of the CPE is to provide an independent assessment of the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and coordination of UNFPA Somalia’s Country Programme of Cooperation’s interventions as well as the country programme’s connectedness through its contribution to the results within the humanitarian-development-peace nexus at national level. 

Reporting Arrangements
The consultant will report to the UNFPA Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist and under the overall supervision of the Deputy Representative.  The consultant will liaise directly with the UNFPA Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. 

General Objective
The Evaluation Team Leader will have the overall responsibility for leading, managing and delivering the full CPE.  This will be through addressing UNFPA four thematic programme components (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR); Adolescents and Youth; Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE); and Population Dynamics (PD)) through the five outputs that were outlined in the Country Programme document, in addition to assessing programme coordination and assistance through the lens of effectiveness and efficiency.

Specific Objectives
1.    To lead and manage the conducting of the CPE for the Somalia Country Office Programme 2018-2020.
2.    To complete and deliver the CPE Design and Final Reports to UNFPA as per UNFPA quality criteria within the timeframe of the CPE exercise. 

The International Evaluation Team Leader will work closely with UNFPA Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to ensure the below specific major deliverables are submitted and delivered to UNFPA:

1.    Inception Report/Design Report (a maximum of 30-40 pages) prior to the evaluation exercise per se. 
2.    Final Evaluation Report that includes all the feedback, inputs and comments that were received during the validation and dissemination workshop as well as from the Evaluation Reference Group (ERG) and UNFPA CO staff. This report will include a full set of forward-looking and actionable recommendations based on the CPE findings, best practices, lessons learnt and challenges identified, which will be taken into consideration during the development of the new CP cycle.
3.    Evaluation Summary Brief document that includes key findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation. 

Timing and Reporting
The consultant will be required to produce the deliverables during the CPE exercise as per the CPE work plan and the schedule of deliverables.   The total duration of the assignment is not expected to exceed 77 working days.  

Qualifications and Experience needed
•    Minimum of a Master’s Degree in public health, demography, social sciences, development studies or a related field. 
•    Minimum of 10 years’ relevant professional experience in leading, managing and conducting programme evaluations in the field of international development and/or humanitarian action. 
•    Extensive previous experience in leading and conducting complex evaluations, especially evaluations commissioned by international organizations or development agencies.
•    Thematic expertise in at least one of the UNFPA mandate areas Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR); Adolescents and Youth; Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE); and Population Dynamics (PD). 
•    Excellent analytical, writing and communication skills.
•    Experience in gender mainstreaming and analysis of crosscutting themes.
•    Experience in similar exercises in conflict and/or post-conflict settings and in humanitarian crisis situations. 
•    Previous experience in conducting evaluations of UNFPA country programmes as well as familiarity with the UNFPA work will be considered an asset and added advantage.
•    Development sector background.
•    Ability to work with a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team of experts. 
•    Excellent problem identification and solving skills.
•    Excellent written and spoken English.
How to apply:
Interested individual potential candidates must submit the following documents and information to demonstrate their experience and qualifications:

1.    Detailed personal Curriculum Vitae including the relevant and past experience in similar domain and scope of work, including at least 3 references. 
2.    A cover letter that articulates why he/she is the most suitable candidate for this assignment.
3.    Financial offer details, clearly outlining the daily consultancy professional fee and articulated around deliverables. All payments will be based upon outputs, i.e. upon satisfactory delivery of the services specified in the Terms of Reference and sign off from the Evaluation Manager.
4.    Previous work samples (at least 2 work samples) related to the consultancy scope of work, ideally evaluation reports.
Potential candidates should submit all documents via e-mail to Mr. Haider Rasheed ( copying Mr. Walter Mendonca-Filho (, no later than 10 January 2020. 

To obtain the CPE Terms of Reference, please email:

Applications not fulfilling the minimum requirements for qualification and experience will not be considered.  Only short listed candidates will be notified for an interview.

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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