Consultancy - Gender Based Violence, GBV Primary Prevention consultant

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 04 Jun 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Homebased with possible travel to Syria

Duration - June - December 2022

Purpose of consultancy: 
In Syria, people affected by humanitarian crises, particularly those displaced and/or living in camps and camp-like settings, are faced with specific challenges and vulnerabilities that must be taken into consideration because they face difficulties in accessing health services that were otherwise available before the COVID-19 outbreak. The most affected and at-risk population groups due to COVID-19 and their vulnerabilities include women and girls who have to abide by sociocultural norms that require the authorization of a male family member to seek health care and receive appropriate treatments, or who lack power to take decisions are at greater risk of not being tested for the disease and treated. Women caring for others, and the predominant role they play as caregivers, health and social welfare responders, are particularly exposed to potential contamination. Risks are also heightened for pregnant women who are more susceptible to contracting many transmissible infections. 
There are clear indications that gender-based intimate partner violence is increasing due to the containment measures, including prolonged time inside the house with the entire family, compounded by the disruption of support services. Those particularly at risk and in need of immediate humanitarian assistance also include: pregnant and lactating women, widows, children, people with disabilities, the elderly and those whose coping mechanism are drastically diminished. Due to the years of conflict, multiple displacements and lack of access to basic health care services, including Reproductive Health (RH) the needs of individuals and communities continue to be dire, and, COVID-19 threatens to significantly increase their vulnerabilities. The pandemic has severely disrupted access to life saving sexual and reproductive health services and hampered the ability to respond to gender-based violence, at a time when women and girls need these services most. This is in addition to already increasing risks of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), particularly, sexual exploitation, forced and early marriage. 
UNFPA Syria country office seeks to ensure continuity of services through program re adaptation while ensuring implementing partners and staff capacities are enhanced. The key three areas of implementation that require continuous capacity building include GBV response, prevention and information management. The capacity development initiative will include an in-depth assessment of UNFPA Implementing partners and staff capacities in the three areas mentioned above, after which a capacity building strategy and plan will be established. The strategy will include alternative options for in-person trainings in situations where the capacity building team is able to travel in country or to a specific governorate to deliver the trainings.

During the term of this consultancy, incumbent will be expected to perform the following activities: 
Provision of GBV specialized services is one of the key interventions in improving women and girls physical, sexual, and psychological health and improves women’s access to their right over their sexual and reproductive health. UNFPA has been supporting the Government of Syria (GoS), by strengthening GBV specialized services, mental health and psychosocial support, first aid, case management and strengthening referral pathways; and will continue to scale up the GBV landscape in Syria. In addition, UNFPA has continued to invest heavily on awareness raising campaigns on GBV and RH and currently seeks to expand to social norms initiatives through building the capacity of implementing partners on primary GBV prevention approaches. In line with the need to improve GBV prevention initiatives, UNFPA Syria country office seeks to engage a consultant to support the country office to establish new primary GBV prevention initiatives for UNFPA implementing partners  

Following are the key tasks and deliverables: 
For this purpose, UNFPA is seeking the professional services of a consultant for the following deliverables: 
•    Preparation and in-depth assessment of UNFPA implementing partners and staff
•    capacities to provide quality GBV prevention initiatives.
•    Development of GBV capacity building strategy and plan for improving the implementation of primary GBV prevention initiatives. 
•    Deliver a series of trainings on primary GBV prevention approaches. This will include but not limited to community mobilization initiatives such as EMAP, Girls Shine, social norms and SASA Together.
•    Provide day to day technical support to program manager and staff under the social norms pilot project (indiashikiriwa) in Aleppo, Homs and DEZ.
•    Develop context and culturally acceptable GBV IEC materials.
•    Development of tailored one pagers on key areas of primary GBV prevention initiatives.
•    Provision of remote technical support on GBV primary prevention initiatives.
•    Backstopping the project Manager for the social norms project (Indashyikirwa),

The consultant will be working within the GBV Unit and as part of the team dedicated to capacity development.
    UNFPA will monitor the progress of the consultancy according to above illustrated dates
and deliverables. By the end of the consultancy a detail report should be submitted
including the completion of all tasks.
    The consultant will work under the overall guidance of the deputy Representative and the day-to-day supervision of the GBV specialist, in team with the other consultants for GBV capacity development, and in cooperation with the RH, Gender and Youth Units/

Expected Travel: Home based with possible travel to Syria whenever possible.

Required Expertise and Qualifications

•    Master-level degree in Social sciences, International studies, Mental Health, Public Health or other relevant fields.
•    Proven success in developing and facilitating training and capacity-building on GBV.
•    Knowledge of and application of GBV primary prevention approaches.
•    Creative thinking and ability to translate global standards into practical ONLINE tools and processes for field-based implementation.
•    Strong writing skills.
•    Experience working in acute emergency settings.
•    A minimum of 5 years’ experience with either the UN and/or NGO, especially in emergency settings for similar assignments, including experience in translation of training curriculum.
•    Fluency in English required. Arabic is an asset.
•    High sense of responsibility. Tact, discretion, initiative and good judgment in dealing with staff members, partners and other stakeholders.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates can apply their CVs and Cover Letter to the email: 
PS: The subject of the email must be the (GBV Primary Prevention consultant), otherwise, the email will not be considered to be reviewed.


We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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