Consultancy: Graphic Designer & Community Manager

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 06 Sep 2023 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Dakar, Senegal

Purpose of the Consultancy

Graphic designer and community manager for the design, production and dissemination of communication and marketing content for online and digital media platforms, for SWEDD and WCARO.

Scope of work

The Graphic Designer & Community Manager will be responsible for aligning all SWEDD communications, public advocacy, social media, and marketing content to create a strong brand identity and showcase UNFPA’s technical assistance capabilities.

S/he will be responsible for developing and producing creative content including visuals, report layouts, social media posts, graphics etc for online and digital media and communication outputs.

S/he will need to have a deep passion for graphic design and visual storytelling and be able to transform dense, information-heavy content and concepts and turning them in to eye catching and attractive visuals and infographics.

S/he will contextualize/reinforce messages related to SWEDD project such as (Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Adolescents girls and Women’s Empowerment through literacy and economic opportunities, boys and young male positive masculinity, Human Rights and Gender Equality, Evidence Knowledge, and megatrends and contribution to Demographic Dividend) and be a strategic thinker.

S/he will manage SWEDD’s online voice for West and Central Africa (WCARO) and build brand awareness and loyalty from the regional office in Dakar.

S/he will design and produce short and visual contents from the 13 Briefs documenting the SWEDD interventions, from the annual report 2022 and from the Booklet and White Paper recently produced. S/he will also support other WCARO visual contents.

More specifically:

- Design and produce visual and creative content from SWEDD reports Design and produce content for marketing purposes such as newsletters, reports, online web articles, social media from ongoing SWEDD reports (annual report, campaign brochures, 1-pagers, briefs etc.)

- Manage the dissemination of visuals and creative content to the countries and World Bank via several channels (social media platforms, email, newsletters) - Support SWEDD team on developing the communication strategy for Stronger Together campaign.

- Measure impact of social media campaigns and messaging

- Ensure the production of media materials for various activities, missions, and press trips.

- Develop, plan and implement digital, social media and communications campaigns and strategies.

- Provide engaging text, image and video content for all social media and professional accounts.

- Analyse web traffic and relevant community metrics and systematically report performance.

- Relay community feedback to relevant internal stakeholders.

- Liaise with other Units to stay updated on new marketing initiatives, product, and service developments, and to ensure brand consistency.

- Stay up to date with digital technology trends.

- Carrying out any other tasks assigned in connection with the design of communication tools and media, posting articles for the website, etc.

Duration and working schedule: 6 months Full time

Place where services are to be delivered: WCARO office, Dakar, Senegal

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.)

First Instalment 25%: Delivery of Friendly and Creative content of annual report and brochure by end of Month 1.5 2 nd Instalment 25%: Delivery of Friendly and creative content of the 13 briefs on Process of intervention by end of Month 3. 3 rd Instalment 25%: Delivery of New version of stronger together campaign available by end of Month 4.5 4 th instalment 25%: End of assignment and completion of all deliverables by Month 6.

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The consultant is expected to work closely with the communication specialist and report to her on a weekly basis. Monthly summary reporting and presentation to SWEDD team.

Supervisory arrangements:

The consultant will work under the supervision of the SWEDD director and the Communication Specialist of WCARO.

Expected travel: any travel is expected for this consultancy

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements: 

Required degree level:

Bachelor degree or equivalent

Education - Additional Comments:

At least BAC +3, graphic design, IT/ICT applied to communication or equivalent.

Required working experience: 3 years

Experience remark:

  • Have an academic background in communication as follows:
  • They must have a higher education diploma (at least BAC + 3) in computer graphics, communication/applied computing/ICT for communication or equivalent.
  • At least three (03) years' experience in the design and production of communication media and tools aimed at grassroots populations and communities.
  • Excellent working knowledge and experience of digital field and social networks is required.

Language skills:

French (Mandatory), Level - Fluent

English (Mandatory), Level - Working Knowledge

Required area of expertise:

Web and graphic design, Public information and reporting, In design, photoshop

Driving license: No

Competencies values:

Accountability, Adaptability and Flexibility, Client Orientation, Commitment to Continuous Learning, Communication, Ethics and Values, Integrity, Planning and Organizing, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity, Working in Teams

Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

In Design, Photoshop software, DEEPl Pro. A laptop will be provided.

How to apply:

Please send your application (send a CV, cover letter and a link to your personal portfolios or a collection of examples of your work on no more than 2 pages PDF) to before 06 Septembre 2023.



We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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