Consultancy - Scientific Writing/Editing Consultant, Population & Development Branch, Technical Division

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 15 Sep 2023 11:59 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Remote

Purpose of consultancy

The consultant will support the Inter-Agency Working Group on data interoperability of baseline population, displacement and refugee data (IAWG-Interop) in developing technical standards, data protocols and methods, and guidance tools for the routine integration and harmonization of baseline Common Operational Datasets on Population Statistics with internal displacement and refugee data.

The main objective of the consultancy is to provide advice and technical assistance to enhance UNFPA’s knowledge products on population data, population estimates, and evidence-based interventions in disaster preparedness and humanitarian response settings.

Scope of work

The Scientific Writing/Editing Consultant will support UNFPA in:

  1. Translating technical documentation on methods, guidance and lessons learned on data interoperability of baseline population, displacement and refugee data - derived from “deep dive” data exercises by UNFPA and IAWG-Interop collaborations and monthly meetings - into data interoperability standards and guidance for humanitarian data practitioners.
  2. Preparing updates/revisions to existing technical guidance notes and drafting of new technical guidance notes that support UNFPA Country Offices, OCHA Colleagues and UNHCT colleagues in ensuring the availability, quality, and usability of Common Operational Datasets on Population Statistics (COD-PS) - for examples see here, here, and here; and
  3. Drafting communications materials for major COD-PS releases and events in collaboration with UNFPA Country Offices and UN Humanitarian Country Teams.

Work to be performed will result in the following outputs:

Output 1: Draft technical standards on the interoperability of baseline COD-PS, refugee and displacement data. 

These draft standards will synthesize insights from and lessons learned from UNFPA COD-PS deep dive exercises in Ukraine, Mozambique, Philippines, and Somalia. The standards will be aligned with IASC operational guidance on data responsibility in humanitarian action and the recommendations from the IUSSP-CODATA Working Group on FAIR Vocabularies.  

Output 2: Updated and expanded technical guidance on COD-PS datasets for the humanitarian data community.

This will take the form of:

  1. Technical Guidance Notes that provide technical guidance to UNFPA Country Office Staff, UNHCT Staff and partners on the production, management, dissemination and usage of COD-PS datasets;

Output 3: Knowledge and communication products that communicate UNFPA population data outputs in support of UN Humanitarian Country Teams for humanitarian professionals, donors, and the general public.

This will take the form of:

  1. Analytic reports that describe analytical findings derived from COD-PS datasets or case study on COD-PS production/dissemination/usage,
  2. Technical working papers that describe advance/innovation COD-PS methodology or lessons learned in COD-PS production, dissemination or usage,
  3. COD-PS data and methods protocols that describe detailed methods used for COD-PS updates when advanced, country-specific methods are used.

The term of the consultant will be 120 days between September 1, 2023, and July 31, 2024. Payment will be made on receipt of deliverables as per the agreed schedule and to a maximum of 21 days per month.

Deliverables will be provided on a schedule to be jointly determined by the Consultant and the Technical Specialist, Health and Social Inequalities.

In general, the Consultant will be expected to provide draft written content for

  • UNFPA’s draft technical standards and guidance on data interoperability of baseline population, refugee, displacement and returnee data - being produced in collaboration with the Inter-agency working group on an approximately quarterly schedule. Work will be delivered electronically by email.

Supervisory arrangements

  • The consultant will work under the direct guidance and supervision of the Technical Specialist, Health and Social Inequalities.

Expected Travel

  • Occasional travel to UNFPA technical workshops may be required - for example, consultation workshops with UNFPA COs, UN Humanitarian Country Teams and the Inter-agency Working Group on interoperability of data on baseline population, displacement and refugees.

Required Expertise and Qualifications


  • Bachelor's degree in Scientific writing, Journalism, Communication, or related field is required. Master’s degree is preferred.

Knowledge and Experience

  • 5 to 10 years of relevant work experience in areas related to scientific publications/ technical communications including, for example, peer reviewing, drafting statements, technical standards, technical guidelines, and technical reports - especially involving demographic estimation and population statistics;
  • Proven track record for professional delivery of high-quality scientific communication products for the benefit of humanitarian and development practitioners; 
  • Experience in scientific writing - especially areas of demography, data science and applied statistics - and translation of technical concepts into non-technical language that is accessible by a wider audience; 
  • Experience in producing content on humanitarian assistance or for humanitarian data ecosystem professionals is an asset; 
  • Good planning and organizational skills, attention to detail and the ability to multi-task and work under pressure; 
  • Strong IT skills: word processing software, spreadsheets, presentation software, databases, cloud-based data sharing environments, and web navigators 


  • Expert knowledge of English. Knowledge of French, Arabic and/or Spanish are desirable.

How to Apply

Please send your resume and a short letter of motivation with "Scientific Writing/Editing Consultant" in the subject to by September 15, 2023. 

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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