Consultant for the writing up of the guidance for Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analysis and its related Policy Brief development, WCARO, Dakar, Senegal

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 21 Oct 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Dakar, Senegal

The position

Within the framework of, the Matching Fund Grant (MFG) initiative aims at to incentivizing the 9 Ouagadougou Partnership countries to increase their domestic spending on Family Planning commodities, the development of a Family Planning Cost-Benefit analysis and its related Policy Brief allowed to provide countries with strong country investment narratives, instrumental for the evidence-based advocacy undertaken by country key family planning stakeholders to increase domestic resource mobilization and disbursement of domestic resources for contraceptive commodity procurement. The availability and the use of Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and their related Policy Briefs for advocacy to mobilize domestic resources for contraceptive commodity procurement across Ouagadougou Partnership countries make possible that 15,752,285 US dollars of domestic resources were mobilized for contraceptive procurement from 2019 to 2021. Therefore, it could be advanced that this kind of exercise is a best practice to be scale up across the region. In that perspective, it appears judicious to write up a well-structured guidance for the conduct of Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analysis and the development of its related policy brief. To do so, the recruitment of a consultant experiences in the development of Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and their related Policy Briefs, is of utmost importance.

Consultancy purpose

The main objective of the consultancy is to write up of the guidance for Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analysis and its related Policy Brief development. This guidance will serve as (i) the key reference for Country Family Planning Cost Benefit analysis and its related Policy Brief development and (ii) key tools for the orientation of vetted consultants in charge of supporting countries in the conduct of Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analysis and the development of its related policy brief.

Supervisory arrangements

The Consultant will work under the supervision of the Regional Family Planning Adviser in collaboration with the Regional Reproductive Health Commodity Security Adviser. The supervisor will have frequent interactions with the Consultant in order to agree on the process, to monitor progress status and to clarify the deliverables. The supervisor will also evaluate the Consultant work and certify delivery of work.

Duration: 60 working days (November 1st, 2022 to December 30th, 2022). The consultancy will be undertaken home-based

Tasks & Responsibilities

The Consultant will perform the following tasks:

  • Review available guidances related to the development of Family Planning Business Cases and their related policy briefs.
  • Take cognizance of UNFPA guidance for the costing of the three transformative results and identified key elements to be incorporated in the guidance to be developed.
  • Undertake the SWOT Analysis of the development of Family Planning Cost Benefit analyses and its related Policy Briefs across Ouagadougou Partnership countries.
  • Consult with relevant stakeholders at UNFPA (HQ, ROs, COs).
  • Propose an outline of the guidance to be developed for review.
  • Write up the first draft of the guidance for review. - Incorporate reviewers’ comments and prepare the 2nd draft of the guidance, seek last review and finalize the guidance.
  • Contribute substantially to the finalization of the ToRs of consultants in charge of supporting countries in the conduct of Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and the development of their related policy briefs. - Prepare the concept note, including the agenda, of the two webinar sessions (4 hours session each, in French and in English) aiming at orienting UNFPA COs FP/RHCS focal points and vetted consultants in charge of supporting countries in conducting Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and developing their related policy briefs.
  • Facilitate the webinar sessions aiming at orienting UNFPA COs FP/RHCS focal points and vetted consultants in charge of supporting countries in conducting Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and developing their related policy briefs.

Expected results

The expected results of the mission of the consultant comprise:

  • An Inception report including the Guideline Outline
  • The guidance for the conduct of Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and the development of their related policy briefs.
  • Preparation (concept note) and holding of two webinar sessions aiming at orienting UNFPA COs FP/RHCS focal points and vetted consultants in charge of supporting countries in conducting Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and developing their related policy briefs.

Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner:


  • Fulfil the stipulated in the contract and the ToRs through review of documents, email communications, and meetings. -
  • Maintain close contact by email with UNFPA.
  • Communicate any complications regarding the assignment as soon as possible.


  • Support to collect relevant literature.
  • Monitor and facilitate the progress of the assignment.
  • Review and provide comments to the deliverables in a timely manner.
  • Facilitate necessary contacts.

Deliverables dates

  • Inception report including the Outline of the guidance to be developed for review by November 11, 2022.
  • First draft of the guidance for review by December 10, 2022. 
  • Finalized version of the guidance by December 30, 2022.
  • Concept note, including the agenda, of the two webinar sessions aiming at orienting UNFPA COs FP/RHCS focal points and vetted consultants in charge of supporting countries in conducting Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and developing their related policy briefs by December 30, 2022.

The Consultant's performance will be evaluated against the following criteria: timeliness and quality of the products delivered.

Qualification and Experience

The key required skills, competencies and experience are summarized as under:

  • Postgraduate university degree in any of the following disciplines: Economics, Development Economics, Finance, Social sciences, Demography or other related field. Course in Health Economy is an asset.
  • Sound technical background and experience in policy analysis.
  • A minimum of 10 years of professional experience in development and population analysis.
  • Good publishing record, particularly on population issues in developing countries.
  • Experience of conducting Country Family Planning Cost-Benefit analyses and developing related policy briefs will be an huge advantage.
  • Strong research and excellent writing skills in French and English.
  • Excellent organizational and training skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.
  • Ability to be flexible and respond to changes to text as part of the review and feedback process.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, able to communicate and work with diverse people.
  • Participate effectively in team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating effectively with others.
  • Focus and result oriented.

Other relevant information or special conditions

The other conditions that may apply in the undertaking of the assignment include:

Basis of payment Payments based on acceptance of the deliverables and more specifically:

  • 25% at the acceptance of the Inception report including the Outline of the guidance
  • 50% at the acceptance of the finalized version of the guidance.
  • 25% after preparation (concept note) and holding of the two webinar sessions.

Ownership of output: UNFPA.

How to apply:

Interested applicants should send a short letter of motivation and a detailed CV with the subject clearly stated to Your CV should highlight relevant experience in delivering similar work with relevant links.
UNFPA will only respond to those applicants in whom we have further interest.

Application deadline: 21 October 2022, 17h00 NY time.

The United Nations does not charge a fee at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training) or other fee, or request information on applicants’ bank accounts or HIV status.






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