International Consultancy: Gender Justice Analyst, Pemba Mozambique

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 29 Aug 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Pemba, Mozambique

Job Title: Gender Justice Analyst 
Contract type:  Consultancy
Closing date: 29 August 2022
Duty Station: Pemba, Mozambique

Purpose of consultancy: Background

Cabo Delgado is the fourth most populated province in Mozambique, accounting for 8.4% of the country’s population. The province’s population is extremely young (65% aged less than 25) and rapidly growing (+28% over a 10-year period between 2007 and 2017). The vast majority of the province’s population lives in rural areas (83%), compared to a national average of 67%. Girls and young women account for the majority of the youth population, especially in rural areas (55%).

Gender inequality is pervasive, with the province containing the second highest rate of child marriage in the country, with 60.7% of women aged 20-24 married and 40.2% giving birth before the age of 18. In addition, Cabo Delgado has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the country (67%), affecting girls and women disproportionately. Between 2011 and 2015, the unmet demand for contraceptives amongst married women increased from 12.2% to 22.5%. Twenty-four (24) percent of women have experienced physical violence in their lifetime, and 11% have experienced sexual violence, which is the highest in the country (with Zambezia). The proportion of men who have experienced physical violence is also extremely high at 40%, more than twice as high as the national average. 

Insecurity, caused by violent attacks by non-state armed groups since 2017, exacerbated by consecutive climatic shocks and public health emergencies such as COVID-19 and cholera, have led to an unprecedented displacement of populations. The attacks that intensified since 2020 have now displaced more than 700,000 people across five provinces, representing a near seven-fold increase in the figure for 2019. Of those displaced, nearly 20,000 are pregnant women. 

This consultancy will contribute to the successful implementation the Canada-funded project “Building Tomorrow Today”, which aims to strengthen gender-based violence prevention, response, and mitigation interventions in Cabo Delgado Province, applying a humanitarian-development-peace Nexus approach and with a focus on particularly vulnerable groups by reaching the furthest behind first and leaving no one behind.

The ‘triple nexus’ refers to the interlinkages between humanitarian, development and peace action and actors. The triple nexus approach has caused a shift towards linking life-saving interventions with longer-term action and a strengthened focus in crisis areas on preparedness, resilience, addressing root causes, strengthening of local capacities and ownership, conflict sensitivity and contributions to sustaining peace, while addressing humanitarian needs in line with international humanitarian principles.

The project aims to bridge the humanitarian-development-peace nexus divide by ensuring that humanitarian assistance for women, girls and youth is delivered in the context of building resilience and broader sustainable development priorities. The project will support national, sub-national, and inter-agency measures to strengthen gender-based violence (GBV) prevention, response, and mitigation intervention by strengthening multi-sectoral GBV response services, coordination of risk mitigation GBV interventions, and evidence based and data systems for the recovery and development of integrated GBV services and gender-sensitive protection systems. 

The focus will be placed on reaching particularly vulnerable groups with GBV services and referrals, including women and girls with disabilities and albinism, people who suffer violence and discrimination based on gender and/or sexual identity and others, applying the UN approach of leaving no one behind.

The project will be implemented in Cabo Delgado Province, taking into consideration the current conflict and development needs. 

The deliverables produced as part of this consultancy will respond to Objective 3 of the project “Strengthen evidence base and data systems for the recovery and development of integrated GBV services and gender-sensitive protection systems”, and more specifically to Activity 3.2 “Conduct a GBV vulnerability analysis in Cabo Delgado”.

Through this pilot study, the consultant will work towards the evaluation of the justice/legal system in Cabo Delgado, to enable the operalisation of a more inclusive institution, policy and programmes so that crimes based on gender identity and sexual identity can be better identified and dealt with. 

Scope of work: (Description of services, activities, or outputs)

The consultant will be expected to lead the design and the implementation of a multi-deliverable pilot study to assess the quality of formal and informal justice services that respond to crimes based on gender identity and sexual identity to i) understand discriminatory normative patterns and trends, ii) highlight the intersections between the legal framework, law implementation and service user’s access, expectation and belief, and finally iii) highlight room for better inclusion of people furthest left behind. 

(Activity 3.2.1) Deliverable 1:

-    Geospatial mapping of GBV services in the selected districts. Services will include formal institutions such as police stations, IPAJ, Gabinete de Atendimento de Mulheres e Vítimas de Violência Doméstica, private lawyers in the targeted districts, SERNIC etc, and informal institution such as key CSOs, community leaders, Chefes de Bairros (local authorities), etc.

(Activity 3.2.2) Deliverable 2: 

Part One
-    Assess the legal framework that includes a mapping of legal provisions addressing forms of crimes on the basis of i) gender identity, ii) sexual identity. 
-    Conduct a comparative analysis with international human rights standard to evaluate the extent to which and how current legal provisions address forms of crimes based on gender identity and sexual identity. 

Part Two
Conduct a qualitative and quantitative analysis of formal and informal justice service providers in the selected districts in Cabo Delgado. The study will understand the attitudes and behaviour of individual stakeholders and the institution that address issues and complaints of forms of violence based on gender identity and sexual identity. 

This analysis will include:

-     Brief introductory analysis on whether justice actors understand the concept of gender and sexual identity and what is that understanding or how do they define it;
-    Collection of quantitative data on crimes based on gender identity and sexual identity within key formal, and if possible, informal institutions. Data will be disaggregated by sex, age and case type (Some of the guiding questions are “What are the crimes, who commits the crimes, who are the victims, how are they categorized by the institution/ informal system, what is the outcome of the queixa etc); Processes adopted in prosecution of alleged crimes based on gender identity and sexual identity, including modalities of interviewing (what questions are asked, who is the interviewer etc), assessment of personnel or units specialised  and trained to deal with forms of violence based on gender identity and sexual identity; 
-    Perception, attitude and behaviour of formal and informal service providers dealing with crimes based on gender identity and sexual identity and to what extent are individual attitudes, beliefs limiting the addressing of the case;
-    Extent to which substantive and procedure law is known and applied and mapping of existing challenges and normative and factual/material bottlenecks.
-    Provider recommendations on how to improve users to better access justice services from a provider perspective. 

(Activity 3.2.4) Deliverable 3:

Part One
-    Understand perception of service users on quality of formal and informal justice-related service provision that deal with crimes based on gender and sexual identities.
-    Analysis of trends, incentives and barriers of users to access services and level of trust in systems - who feels empowered to use these services? What is the perception of safety when reporting, including lack of judgment and potential stigma  

Part Two
-    Mapping of risks for individual groups and vulnerability assessment
-    Entry point for UNFPA’s interventions (programming, policy and advocacy etc)
-    Conflict sensitive consideration and implication for programming

Data collection methodology:

In order to collect the information for this study, the lead consultant is expected to work with a national consultant to develop a mix-methodology (quantitative and qualitative) that comprise desk based research, surveys, KIIs, FGD and anything else that the research team deems necessary. 
The consultant will be expected to work with the national consultant to present the methodology for data collection of each of the deliverables described above, including suggested timeline and plan of action, in the inception report that will be submitted to the UNFPA responsible team within the first 5 days of consultancy.

Duration and working schedule:
40 working days starting the day of contracting, approximately between September and November 2022. Estimates: 10 days planning, 25 days field work, 5 days review and submission.

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g.  electronic, hard copy etc.):

These activities will be carried out in 3 pilot districts in Cabo Delgado between September and November. The methodological tool will be delivered to UNFPA in soft copy.

Place where services are to be delivered:

The consultant will be asked to work from Pemba (Cabo Delgado, Mozambique) for the duration of at least the research planning and data collection phases.  

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

Formal weekly meetings will be established with the consultant, however due to the nature of the deliverable the consultant will be expected to communicate daily with the rest of the team.

The consultant is expected to supervise the national consultant who will be supporting for a total of 15 working days with the development of the activities in the field. The lead consultant will be required to liaise with the national colleague to submit the below products.

Provisional timeframe for submissions:



Review and approvals

Submission of the Inception Report:

This report shall briefly describe the roadmap, the workplan and the methodology the consultant has established for the assignment, programme of the execution of the work and initial findings. This report should clearly highlight collaboration with the national consultants

This report shall be validated internally and should be made in a collaborative way with the national consultant to obtain comments and feedback

(10% corresponding salary payment)


5 days 


Technical Feedback from the Pemba Technical team

Work in close collaboration with national consultant

Submission of the Draft report:

This report shall outline the findings of the desk-review and field/data collection activities.

This report shall be validated in a presentation made by the consultants to the Pemba technical team and key UNFPA stakeholders

(40 % corresponding salary payment)


25 days


Technical Feedback from the Pemba Technical team

Continuous collaboration with national consultant to achieve this deliverable

Submission and approval of the Final report:

This report shall be approved internally upon internal consultation meeting and final feedback incorporated

The consultant will organise a meeting with key UNFPA stakeholders to present the findings.

 (50% corresponding salary payment)

10 days





Technical Feedback from the Pemba Technical team


Supervisory arrangements:
The consultant will report to GBV/Gender Specialist based in Pemba working closely with the rest of the team to implement the activity.
The consultant will be asked to work closely with and supervise the national consultant that will support the design of the methodological tool as well as support the organization of the data collection mission. The national consultant will support with translation into local languages and to ensure context sensitivity.

Equipment provided, if applicable:
The consultant will work with their IT equipment. UNFPA will provide phone/internet credit for the time the consultant is in the country.

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, Education including language requirements:

The consultant is expected to have at least a Master’s degree or equivalent (PhD will be considered an advantage) in field of Law, and/or Gender Studies, juridical sciences, human rights, social science, political science or related field is required. 

-    At least 7 years of proven work experience in the area of Rule of Law, Gender and the Legal/Justice Sector, Human Rights and access to Justice for survivors of GBV
-    Good understanding of issues and challenged of Gender Identity and Sexual identity from a legal and social perspective
-    Experience conducting needs assessment studies, quantitative and qualitative analysis;
-    Experience designing and facilitating FDG, KIIs and implementing surveys in the justice sector and with legal actors
-    Experience with capacity assessment of justice institution to understand levels and quality of access to justice for survivors of GBV 
-    Demonstrable writing skills and ability synthesizing complex ideas in an accessible way
-    Experience working with and supervising staff will be considered an asset
-    Knowledge of the Mozambican legal system and of the legislation will be considered an asset
-    Experience working with the UN system, in particular in Southern-East Africa is an advantage

Language skills
-    Fluency in English (written and spoken) is required and good knowledge of Portuguese, or Italian or Spanish is considered an advantage

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:
The consultancy rate applicable will be pegged to UNFPA international consultancy rates.
The Consultant may not make use of any unpublished or confidential information that has come to his notice during the period of the consulting duties, without the UNFPA’s consent. This prerequisite is maintained after the consulting period is expired or terminated.

How to Apply
Please send your Curriculum Vitae/ Resume and a short letter of motivation with "Gender Justice Analyst Consultant" in the subject to by 29 August 2022 17h00 New York Time

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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