International Consultancy: Team Lead: Development of Regional Gender Barometer for the Great Lakes Region Project, ESARO

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 17 May 2023 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Johannesburg, East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)

International Consultancy:                      Team Lead, Development of Regional Gender Barometer for the Great Lakes Region Project

Duty Station:                                             Remote, supported by the East and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO)

Duration of the contract and timeline:    May to November 2023 (This assignment is for 25-person days over a period of 6 months)

Deadline for applications:                       17th May 2023 05:00 PM (America/New York)


The Office of the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region (OSESG-GL) seeks to develop a Regional Gender Barometer - a comprehensive tool that will measure and evaluate progress towards gender equality and response to sexual and gender-based violence in the region. Collaborating partners are: in collaboration with various organizations, including the ICGLR's Levy Mwanawasa Regional Centre (LMRC), Conference Secretariat, Forum of Parliament, Regional Training Facility (RTF) on SGBV, COCAFEM/GL, UN Women, the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ), and UN Population Fund (UNFPA).
The tool will monitor and evaluate progress towards gender equality in the Great Lakes Region by collecting data on key indicators, such as women's labour force participation, access to education and healthcare, political representation and decision-making, and rates of gender-based violence. The data will be analysed and presented in user-friendly formats, such as graphs, dashboards, or scorecards, and made available on online platforms that enable policymakers, advocates, and other stakeholders to track progress over time and pinpoint areas for improvement.
Additionally, the tool will fill in critical data gaps on gender inequality, identifying priority areas for policy intervention and providing a valuable framework for monitoring and evaluating the impact of gender policies and programs. It is anticipated that the tool will hold governments and other stakeholders accountable for progress towards gender equality while also facilitating learning and knowledge sharing across member states in the region by offering a common set of indicators and benchmarks for ranking and measuring progress.
To undertake the project, the OSESG-GL together with partnering organisations require the services of a Lead Consultant to lead, coordinate and supervise the development of the Regional Gender Barometer for the Great Lakes Region by providing technical expertise and developing key components of the tool.

The overall objective of the assignment is to develop a Regional Gender Barometer capable of measuring, monitoring, evaluating, and providing accurate and timely data to inform policymakers, stakeholders, and the region about progress and challenges related to gender equality and gender-based violence

Supervision Arrangements

The Lead Consultant will be under the overall supervision of the Executive Director of the ICGLR- LMRC with technical support from the OSESG-Great Lakes Senior Gender Advisor and UNFPA. He/she will be part of the Project Technical Working Group of the Project and will be required to provide weekly progress reports and a final report at the end of the consultancy.

Monitoring and progress control:
Weekly update and review of progress against KPIs set in the Inception Report.

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered:    

The Lead Consultant will deliver the following: 
1.    A methodology for data collection and analysis (3 days)
2.    Data collection tools, including surveys, questionnaires, and interview guides. (3 days)
3.    A framework and indicators for measuring progress towards gender equality and response to sexual and gender-based violence (3days)
4.    An implementation plan for the Gender Barometer project. (2 days)
5.    Technical support in data analysis and presentation. (10 days)
6.    Compilation of the reports produced by the two consultants to be recruited under this assignment (4 days)

Expected travel:    
This consultancy will be home-based, with possible trips to facilitate strategic key stakeholders workshop.

General Objective
The overall objective of the assignment is to develop a Regional Gender Barometer capable of measuring, monitoring, evaluating, and providing accurate and timely data to inform policymakers, stakeholders, and the region about progress and challenges related to gender equality and gender-based violence

The specific objectives are: 
1.    Secure social and political buy-in for the barometer: Engage in participatory consultations aimed at building coalition with actors who will advise, guide, and validate the creation and utilization of the barometer. This includes, first, the political level with the ICGLR Conference Secretariat, Regional Women Forum, and other leading gender equality promoters, ICGLR National Coordinators and Gender Focal Points, and Parliamentarian committees. Second, practitioners and advocacy technical levels, including media and social media influencers, Member State's Gender experts, and independent experts from universities and research groups.
2.    Develop technical tools for creating the barometer: Establish the methods for developing the barometer, which includes determining the general outlook, selection of variables, designing data collection and analysis processes, and choosing visualization methods. This entails collaborating with both technical experts and practitioners promoting gender equality on the ground, Member State Gender experts, independent experts from universities and research groups, and the project experts/consultants.
3.    Identify data collection partners: Engage with institutions and experts capable of assisting the project in collecting accurate and reliable gender data.
4.    Organize technical and social validation of the draft report: Collaborate with civil society organizations promoting gender equality on the ground, Member State Gender experts, independent experts from universities and research groups, and project experts or consultants to validate the draft report.
5.    Publish and launch the Report Regional Gender Barometer that will assess the gender equality situation in the Great Lakes Region and help identify necessary improvements: Utilizing the ICGLR Women Forum, other leading gender equality promoters, ICGLR National Coordinators, Gender Parliamentarians committees, media, and social

Scope of Consultancy:

As per the above listed specific objectives the Lead Consultants will take full leadership of the Consultants involved in the project and in particular perform the following:
1.    Development of Technical Tools and Methodology: 

  • Review existing gender barometers and relevant literature to inform the development of the methodology. 
  • Consult with experts to determine the most relevant indicators, data sources, and visualization methods. 
  • Develop and refine the methodology document, including data collection and analysis processes.

2.    Coordinate Stakeholder Engagement and Coalition Building: 

  • Identify and map key stakeholders from the political, technical, and advocacy levels. 
  • Design and schedule participatory consultation workshops or meetings with stakeholders. 
  • Conduct the consultations, gather input and recommendations, and document the findings.
  • Select and hire the experts/consultants for the project.

3.    Identification of Data Collection Partnerships: 

  • Identify potential partner institutions and experts with relevant experience and expertise. 
  • Establish communication and initiate discussions to explore partnership possibilities.  
  • Clearly outline roles and responsibilities for each partner involved in data collection.

4.    Lead and Coordination of Draft Report:

  • Identify data sources, clean and process data, and analyse data using appropriate statistical methods or according to the established methodology. 
  • Prepare a draft Regional Gender Barometer report incorporating the collected data and analysis. 
  • Support validation workshops or meetings with stakeholders to gather feedback on the draft report. 
  • Revise and finalize the Regional Gender Barometer report based on the feedback received.

5.    Report Publication and Presentation: 

  • Finalize Regional Gender Barometer report.  
  • Support the launch event of the First Edition of Gender Barometer 2023 Report. 

Key Deliverables 
The consultants will deliver the following: 

1.    An inception report with the following deliverables 

  • A methodology for data collection and analysis.
  • Data collection tools, including surveys, questionnaires, and interview guides. 
  • A framework and indicators for measuring progress towards gender equality and response to sexual and gender-based violence. 
  • An implementation plan for the Gender Barometer project. 

2.    Technical support in data analysis and presentation.
3.    Draft Compiled report from two reports produced by the two consultants to be recruited under this assignment 
4.    Final report for phase one

Qualifications and Experience required

1.    A minimum of a postgraduate qualification in the field of Social Science, gender studies, demography, Mathematics, Economics or Statistics
2.    At least 10 years of experience in gender analysis and data collection, analysis, and presentation.
3.    Strong knowledge of gender equality and response to sexual and gender-based violence in the Great Lakes Region. 
4.    Experience in developing data collection tools and methodology. 
5.    Having conducted a similar study anywhere else, especially in Africa.  
6.    Excellent communication and report writing skills.
7.    Must be fluent in English and working language of French is desirable. 

How to apply:
Interested applicants should send an expression of interest (EOI) highlighting relevant experience in delivering similar work with relevant links, a detailed CV with the subject clearly stated "Team Lead ICGLR Regional Strategy Development Consultancy" to , an example of a recent similar work conducted. CV should include at least three (3) current referees. 

Application Deadline: 17 May 2023.

UNFPA will only respond to those applicants who meet the criteria and in whom we have further interest.

UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing, or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters, or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA fraud hotline 

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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