International Consultant, GBV Expert, Capacity development, Humanitarian Office

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 12 Jan 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Remote

The world is facing an unprecedented set of challenges that threaten the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, including UNFPA’s transformative results. In the last decade, the impacts of climate change are intensifying, violent conflict has escalated, often cross-border and regional, bringing human suffering, displacement and protracted humanitarian need.  In 2021, 235 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection. This number has risen to 1 in 33 people worldwide - a significant increase from 1 in 45 at the launch of the Global Humanitarian Overview 2020, which was already the highest figure in decades. 

Every day, insecurity, displacement and disruption of already weak health and protection systems in high-risk, humanitarian and fragile settings put women, girls and young people at increased risk.  Escalating humanitarian emergencies also bring a widening gap between needs and the capacity to address those needs and operationalize a GBV prevention and response. Strong coherence and efficiency in delivery of evidence-based GBV programming, including the availability of appropriately trained humanitarian personnel, are required for UNFPA to remain fit-for-purpose in a changing environment.

UNFPA must prioritize and scale up humanitarian response in line with Interagency Standing Committee (IASC) priorities and in line with the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2022-25 which calls for UNFPA to “strengthen the accessibility to multi-sectoral essential services including prevention, protection and care related to gender-based violence and harmful practices ... and invest in the quality of essential services by building national and local capacity of stakeholders, especially women, who participate in decision-making and the design and implementation of programmes.”

It is critical that UNFPA meet current humanitarian needs consistently while at the same time working to enhance readiness and early action for future needs. This means the agency requires investment in strong, coherent, organization-wide systems and human capacity that enable flexibility, adaptability, anticipation.  While there are still gaps, UNFPA has shown a remarkable capacity to pivot to support humanitarian crises in many countries (as noted during COVID-19). While this is positive, complex crises and state fragility, population movement and the acceleration of the climate crisis create increased risk of GBV and more needs to be done to strategically build capacity of personnel to ensure uninterrupted access to lifesaving GBV service in a context of expanding crises.  
UNFPA is seeking to engage a GBV Expert to institutionalize, support and strengthen its capacity to respond and meet the challenges and strengthen GBV programming.  The Expert will draft a 3-year Capacity Development Plan with special emphasis on field operations, standardized GBV program delivery, tailored to staff at different levels and roles, with indicators/benchmarks that responds to recommendations from multiple evaluations, a global mapping/assessment, and interviews of key staff working in humanitarian and “watch” contexts. The Capacity Development Plan will support the implementation of the UNFPA Strategic Plan and in particular the Humanitarian Action dedicated Output (Output 5) and aspects of the Output on Service Delivery (Output 2). S/he will also support the roll-out and socialization of key resources through the development of curricula and training materials. This work will be complemented by other capacity development efforts and learning opportunities on GBV response at the leadership level

Scope of Work

The GBV Expert will be responsible for drafting a GBV capacity development plan, developing programming targets and benchmarks, and supporting institutionalization, roll out and uptake of key resources. 

●    Develop an assessment to determine key gaps in terms of knowledge skills, and staffing, and determine the corresponding training and development interventions needed to enhance GBV capacities in priority countries.  
●    Conduct a mapping exercise across priority countries to understand where to prioritize rolling out the tools and necessary technical support to ensure successful implementation of key resources and guidance on GBV such as  IASC Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Action (2015),  the Interagency GBV Case Management Guidelines (2017), the GBVIMS and/or Primero/GBVIMS+, Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Programming (2019), GBV AoR Coordination Handbook, and guidance on cash and voucher assistance.
●    Manage process to develop programming targets and benchmarks, and support institutionalization of key resources.
●    Plan, coordinate and lead the mapping/consultation process ensuring ownership for the Strategy across HQ departments, regional and country offices, and in line with the UNFPA Humanitarian Capacity Initiative and the Global Capacity Development Plan.
●    Propose a GBV in Emergencies 3-year Capacity Development Plan based on the assessment, mapping, key informant interviews and past evaluations of UNFPA’s humanitarian and GBV work, as well as the UNFPA GBViE Framework, including a pillar on GBV Information Management.  
●    Liaise with the GBV Specialist(s) and other Humanitarian Office and Human Resources staff in the elaboration of the agency’s first Humanitarian Global Capacity Development plan.  
●    Work closely with the surge and roving team to ensure any training or capacity building resources extended to surge roster members are up-to-date and meet priority capacity gaps and needs at country office level during emergencies and to systematize their availability.
●    Suggest training materials and curricula to roll out key resources and tools with a focus on GBV Information Management, and other items to be determined with the GBV Specialists and other HO team members.
●    When requested, facilitate training sessions on GBV in Emergencies/Information Management for GBViE staff/implementing partners as needed. 
●    Provide technical support to integrate the most recent GBV international guidelines and standards, including the Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for preventing and responding to GBV in Emergencies and IASC Guidelines for Integrating GBV in Humanitarian Actions).
●    Work closely with Humanitarian Office management and FOU and in consultation with      Career Development and Talent Mobility Branch, DHR  to progressively create a compendium of best-practice learning resources for the agency in GBViE
●    Ensure synergies with the GBV AoR Capacity Development Plan consultations, findings and articulated objectives, as well as to the GBViE Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Framework in development.

Duration and working schedule:

The consultancy contract/s will be offered for 9 months with possibility of extension based on
good performance

Place where services are to be delivered:

Humanitarian Office, remotely with ability to also work on Geneva time-zone

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

● At minimum, fortnightly reporting regarding updates, progress made and challenges
must be made either by email, face to face or virtual meeting.
● Inputs into quarterly donor reporting is required.

Expected travel: Travel can be envisaged to least one local responder/roster pilot project sites in the consultancy period to help with initial scoping, assessment of needs, start up activities.  Attendance at the Humanitarian Leadership programme workshop will potentially be required during the second quarter of 2022.


Master’s degree, preferably in one of the following areas: international relations, social and behavioral science, humanitarian response, business administration, and political science or other related fields..

Knowledge and Experience: 
●    Minimum of seven years of relevant work experience in humanitarian emergencies, especially on GBV in emergencies planning, programme management and training;
●    Country-based hands-on experience a distinct advantage;
●    Demonstrated experience in using current adult learning methodologies (including online learning technologies) that drive improved humanitarian practice;
●    Programme management skills with ability to create succinct monitoring, evaluation, learning and results frameworks to track progress, report on results;
●    Initiative, sound judgement and demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with staff members of different national and cultural backgrounds;
●    Fluency in English and another UN language is desirable.

Required Competencies: 

●    Integrity, 
●    Commitment,
●    Embracing cultural diversity, 
●    Embracing change

Core Competencies: 
●    Achieving results, 
●    Accountability, 
●    Developing & applying professional expertise, 
●    Analytical & Strategic Thinking, 
●    Working in teams/managing ourselves and relationships, 
●    Communicating for impact.

Functional Skill set:
●    Conceptual innovation in the provision of technical expertise,
●    Leveraging the resources of national governments and partners/Building strategic alliances and partnerships,
●    Job knowledge/Technical expertise.

Other Desirable Skills:
●    Leading, developing and empowering people, creating a culture of performance,
●    Providing strategic focus

Fluency in English is required, and another UN official language is highly desirable

The consultant will be paid monthly on the submission of satisfactory reports reflective of the
project deliverability (Inclusive UNFPA inputs). All payments will be in keeping with those
reflected in the approved project budget and signed contract.

How to apply
Interested candidates are required to submit a CV and cover letter indicating the Job Title on the subject line.   A proposed daily and/or monthly rate should be included in the cover letter. 

Interested consultants should submit their CV and a brief cover letter outlining relevant experience and financial proposal to: 
Please include "GBV Expert (capacity development) " in the subject line.  

Deadline of the application: 12 January 2022
Female candidates are encouraged to apply; Late applications will not be accepted.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advanced to the next stage of the selection process

Disclaimer: UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Fraudulent notices, letters or offers may be submitted to the UNFPA fraud hotline UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, teamwork, Embracing diversity in all its forms, integrity and a healthy balance of work and life. We are committed to maintaining our balanced gender distribution and therefore encourage women to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities for all including persons with disabilities


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