INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANT: To lead end evaluation of the project “Combating GBV in Mongolia” Phase 2

  • Level: Consultant
  • Contract type: Consultancy
  • Closing date: 04 Sep 2022 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station:

Scope of Work: 

The UNFPA Mongolia Country Office is planning to conduct an independent evaluation of its project “Combating gender-based violence in Mongolia” Phase 2.
The project is supported financially by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and UNFPA CO, and has been jointly implemented by the Government of Mongolia and UNFPA CO.
The evaluation is aimed at generating a set of knowledge on successes, challenges, and lessons learned to be shared with the Government to ensure the continuity, sustainability, institutionalization, and the Government ownership of the interventions and initiatives by the project and replication in other areas. It also aims to identify the gaps to fill the future investments in the area.
The evaluation will be an external, independent exercise undertaken by a consultancy team consisted of international and national consultants, a translator and managed by the UNFPA Country Office.
The work of the evaluation team will be guided by the Norms and Standards established by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG). The evaluation team members will adhere to the Ethical Guidelines for Evaluators in the UN system and the Code of Conduct, also established by UNEG.
The primary users of evaluation will be decision-makers in UNFPA, counterparts in the Government of Mongolia, and SDC. Additionally, the results of the evaluation will be used by the implementing partners who directly have implemented the project as well as the potential donors who are interested in investing in GBV prevention and response in Mongolia.
As such, UNFPA is looking for an experienced international individual consultant who will lead the evaluation of the CGBV project.
Given the full phase-out of SDC from Mongolia in 2024, the evaluation should provide findings and recommendations targeting mainly the Mongolian State authorities and other stakeholders, as well as UNFPA. Recommendations aiming at improving the remaining time of the project are also welcomed.
The international consultant will be provided with the support of national consultant, translator and UNFPA Mongolia CO.

The consultant will follow the approved ToR for the end-evaluation and carry the following specific responsibilities:

  • The consultant will work as a team lead for the evaluation process with supervising a national consultant for the evaluation and a translator those to be hired by UNFPA
  • The consultant will be responsible to develop the assessment methodology and the tools for the data collection for the evaluation process, including the process of validating the proposed methodology with key stakeholders with the final approval of UNFPA Mongolia;
  • The consultant will lead and monitor the data collection (both secondary and primary), and conduct the in-depth analysis of the data and the finalization of the key findings in accordance with the agreed method- ology.
  • The consultant will be responsible for the process of comprehensive analysis of eGBV database and include findings and recommendations in the final report;
  • The consultant will be responsible to develop the end Evaluation Report;
  • The consultant will present key findings to UNFPA and stakeholders during the validation workshop, and incorporate the feedback received into the final report;
  • To develop the final report and submit to UNFPA

Duration and working schedule:

The international consultant is expected to work for 42 working days in total throughout October 2022 to January 2023.


Deliverables and due dates: 

The consultant will complete and submit required following deliverables within the scheduled deadline. Hereto:
- To finalize the Methodology and tools for data collection by 24 October 2022;
- To travel to Mongolia in November, 2022;
- To complete the data collection by 30 November 2022;
- To complete the data analysis of eGBV database by 23 December 2022;
- To develop the Evaluation Report and present the key findings by 13 January 2023;
- To present the report to UNFPA and stakeholders during the validation workshop in 3rd week of January 2023
- To incorporate UNFPA and stakeholders’ comment into the report and finalize the Evaluation Report by 1st week of February 2023.


Expected travel: 

Travel to Mongolia for 1-2 weeks is expected during the field phase.

Purpose of the consultancy:

  1. The evaluation is aimed at generating a set of knowledge on successes, challenges, and lessons learned to be shared with the Government to ensure the continuity, sustainability, institutionalization, and the Government ownership of the interventions and initiatives by the project and replication in other areas. It also aims to identify the gaps to fill the future investments in the area.
  2. The results of the evaluation will be used by the implementing partners who directly have implemented the project as well as the potential donors who are interested in investing in GBV prevention and response in Mongolia.

Please carefully review the other details of the consultancy service from the Terms of Reference (ToR) which is available at UNFPA Mongolia webpage: Click here


Qualifications and requirements:

  • At least a Masters degree in evaluation, development studies, social science, public health, gender equality and other relevant field of GBV.
  • At least 10 years of experience in conducting project/programme evaluations, including practical international field experience.
  • Should have solid knowledge and experience in data analysis, both quantitative and qualitative, especially familiarity with quantitative data analysis methods and proven track record of producing high quality reports.
  • Extensive work experience in human rights and gender equality, particularly in the GBV field, is desirable.
  • Experience in working with United Nations and engaging with government and ministries, as well as CSOs, is desirable.
  • Advanced and demonstrable analytical and writing skills.
  • Fluency in English is required for both writing and speaking.

Required competencies and skills:

  • Exemplifying integrity and accountability;
  • Demonstrates commitment to human rights and development principles and values;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Planning, organizing and achieving results Developing and applying professional expertise/business acumen;
  • Thinking analytically and strategically;
  • Working in teams/managing ourselves and our relationships;
  • High level report writing and presenting skill.

How to apply:

Please prepare and send your application comprises with below documents to email address: before the above-mentioned deadline.

  1. UN personal history form P11 (CV outlining academic and professional experience may be supplemented)
  2. Reference letters from previous employers
  3. Proposed work plan and methodology to conduct this consultancy
  4. Price offer (the quotation is subject to negotiation by UNFPA should it exceed allowed threshold) or daily rate

Kindly note that incomplete applications will not be considered for the evaluation and the only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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