Under the UNFPA JPO programme framework, the following position is open only to nationals of Finland. For the full requirements and information about the JPO Programme, please visit: http://www.jposc.undp.org/content/jposc/en/home/how-to-join/the-jpo-programme.html
UNFPA Maputo Mozambique
The UNFPA Mozambique country office comprises a human resources structure of 47 persons, 7 international and 40 nationals. The Senior Management Team is composed of the Representative (international staff), Deputy Representative (international staff), Operations Manager (international staff), and Assistant Representative (senior national staff). Programme Team is led and coordinated by the Deputy Representative and Assistant Representative. It is composed of three international programme specialist/analysts, thirteen national programme specialists/analysts/officers, and three programme associates/assistants. Operations Team is led and coordinated by the International Operations Manager. It is composed of three Finance Associates/Assistants, one procurement associate, one procurement analyst, one HR Associate, one ICT Associate, one Logistics/travel Assistant, three drivers and three clerical staff.
The Operations Unit ensures the smooth operation and delivery of programme’s interventions. The JPO will be working within the Technical Specialist M&E and Innovation (international staff) supporting programme implementation.
Mozambique is a pilot country for the United Nations “delivering as one” initiative. As such, UNFPA Country Programme for Mozambique (2017-2020) is part of the United Nations Development Assistant Framework (UNDAF) for that period. In this context, UNFPA will contribute to the governance, social and economic areas of the UNDAF, based on its expertise in addressing issues of sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, youth and population. Mozambique CO Programme areas are the following:
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Youth
UNFPA supports the Ministry of Health at central level to implement a comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme, within the context of the Health Sector Reform and SWAP, that includes technical assistance and financial support to the Department of Community Health to develop policies, strategies, guidelines, norms and procedures in SRH focusing the reduction of maternal and neo-natal mortality, as well as to expand, monitor and evaluate Basic and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care throughout the country. Furthermore, UNFPA also supports the MoH to develop and implement the 5 Years Strategic Plan to Achieve MDGs 4 & 5, as well as the 5 years Strategic Plan on Reproductive Health Commodities, that includes the Comprehensive Condom Programming Strategy, involving, the last one, several stakeholders, among them the MoH, NAC, UN Agencies, Bilateral Development Partners, National and International NGOs. In addition, UNFPA is also liaising with the Ministry of Health for the provision of Youth Friendly Health Services under the SRH, HIV and AIDS prevention programme among the adolescents and young people. Through support to a cross sector youth programme coordinated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Education and Health, UNFPA is addressing adolescent and young people SRH needs and rights.
Population and Development
UNFPA supports the Ministry of Planning and Development at central level and in Zambézia Province to execute programs integrating population factors into development policies and programs, in particular the PRSP, and the implementation of the Population Policy. The General Population and Housing Census took place in 2017 and counted with UNFPA support. About 60% of the 2017 National Population and Housing Census were supported through UNFPA (26 million against the total budget of 38 millions). UNFPA also continues to build partnership with the Center for Population Studies (CEP) to develop research studies and implement the master’s degree in Population and Development.
Gender, Culture and Human Rights
UNFPA supports the Ministry of Women and Social Action, women´s networks and NGOs to strengthen their capacity to mainstream gender, including gender based violence in the national and provincial plans and to implement the gender policy. UNFPA contributes to decentralization and local participation efforts by focusing on culture, gender, and human rights issues in local planning and service delivery. UNFPA participates in national coordination mechanism for gender equality advocacy and provision of technical support. UNFPA will participate as alternate agency in the Gender Thematic Group under the new UNDAF management structure.
Qualifications and Experience
- Master degree in a relevant discipline including health, population, management and/or related social fields with specialized knowledge in the field of innovation, information technology, and/or new technologies
- At least 2 years of experience in innovation/research and project management
- Excellent planning, analysis and assessment skills
- Good writing, communication and training skills
- Initiative, sound judgment and demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with staff members from different national and cultural backgrounds
- Complete computer literacy
- Prior experience in developing countries is an asset.
- Fluency in English. Knowledge of Portuguese (other working languages of the UN) is an asset
We are no longer accepting applications for this position.