• Level: SB5
  • Contract type: Service Contract
  • Closing date: 25 Mar 2022 05:00 PM (Africa/Bamako)
  • Duty station: Bamako, Mali

The Position:

Mali has become the epicentre of extremist violence in the Sahel with staggering numbers, in terms of GBV/SGBV atrocities, thousands of survivors, IDPs, etc. The two-coup d’état of August 2020 and May 2021, and the subsequent political transition process, have added to the instability with the largest integrated UN mission in the WCA region - most affected in terms of human loss with hundreds of peacekeepers having perished on duty to date. The conflict is affecting the north and centre of the country with spill over into neighbouring countries including Niger, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. This situation is likely to get worse in the coming six months due to the sanctions imposed by the ECOWAS on Mali as of January 9th, 2022, as a response to the current political transition plan proposed by its government. Violent attacks from armed groups now affect most of the country, increasing the forced displacement of civilian populations and their food insecurity. An estimated 7 million people require humanitarian assistance.

The level of needs is higher than at any point since 2012, with an overall total of around 7.5 million Malians in need of assistance. The year 2021 was characterized by a deterioration in the humanitarian situation due to growing insecurity in the central region of the country, the security crisis is now expanding to the southern region.

The Gender Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) reported 9540 cases of GBV in 2021 against 6605 cases reported in the same period in 2020, an increase of 44%. This is due to the deterioration of the security environment, coupled with an increase in the presence of armed groups, but also of military activities in several localities. Also, the existence of one stop centers in some regions helped women to gain trust in service providers and easily report cases of GBV.

New trends on sexual violence have risen in regions with few functioning hospitals, and insufficient SRH/GBV services worsened by access restrictions. In this context of total insecurity, single women and girls, as well as single men and boys who are heads of households, are exposed to sexual abuse and exploitation when they want to access basic services, land and other sources of income. The risk of increased intimate partner violence as a result of gender role conflicts; exposure to human trafficking; and physical violence related to the abuse of power in patriarchal social systems all violate the human rights of women and girls and increase their socioeconomic vulnerabilities. 

Attacks on health care facilities persist, causing considerable casualties and damage. Due to the context, 40% of health facilities are not fully functional in the affected areas  with a limited presence of partners working in the management of primary health care. Approximately 1,976,361 people are waiting to access quality health services, including sexual and reproductive health services. The maternal and neonatal health indicators remain very alarming, Many of the health needs of the most vulnerable populations remain unmet due to poor access to quality basic health services; A fluctuating presence of medical personnel, which leads to Low availability of reproductive, obstetric and neonatal health services emergency services. In this context, less than 50% of women give birth with the assistance of a qualified health personnel, Persistent gaps related to poor humanitarian access to respond to the health problems of populations with low coverage of community-based activities; In addition to socio-cultural barriers related to acceptability and accessibility, the presence of radical groups in certain areas demotivates women to use family planning services.

 This tragic situation is showing no sign of improving and continues to affect the Malian people as the humanitarian conditions continue to worsen. Consequently, resource mobilisation is paramount.

Under the overall supervision of the UNFPA CO Humanitarian Emergency Coordinator, the incumbent facilitates the implementation of UNFPA’s GBV programming in a humanitarian emergency setting in Gao, Mopti, Segou, Tombouctou, Taoudeni and Kidal. The GBV programme specialist will coordinate GBV programming for UNFPA in the affected areas where UNFPA has his presence through implementing partners.  Key duties include assessment and planning; partnership development; training and sensitization; and monitoring and evaluation. Planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of UNFPA GBV initiatives will be conducted through the use of available global guidelines and standards, and will be in line with UNFPA’s Minimum Standards for Addressing GBV in Emergencies. Mali activated the Cluster System since 2013 GBV AoR, a GBV coordination body under the Protection Cluster is led by UNFPA.  The incumbent will represent UNFPA in this forum and other clusters related to UNFPA’s mandate to ensure the Fund’s issues and actions are adequately and appropriately reflected and to enable a better-coordinated response to GBV in the humanitarian setting.

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA’s new strategic plan (2018-2021), focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices.

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction.

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

You will play an instrumental role in facilitating UNFPA’s country programme and project implementation, supporting design, planning and management, in the areas of population and development, reproductive health and gender.

You will apply established systems and procedures and assist in the creation of knowledge by compiling, synthesizing and analyzing relevant information, developing appropriate mechanisms and systems and ensuring compliance with procedures.

You would be responsible for:

Programme Development and Implementation

  • Conduct field assessments and/ or situational analyses to determine needs and gaps for GBV prevention and response.  Where appropriate, ensure GBV issues are integrated in other key assessments.
  • Support the GBV Coordinator to map available GBV actors and prevention and response mechanisms, as well as ensure dissemination of updated referral pathways for GBV survivors.
  • In partnership with relevant UN, national and international NGOs, and government stakeholders, develop a comprehensive GBV programme in line with available global guidance that adheres to UNFPA’s Minimum Standards for Addressing GBV in Emergencies.
  • Orient UNFPA CO staff, implementing partners and national authorities in planning and implementing GBV programmes related to IDPs and host communities. 
  • Coordinate and facilitate training sessions on GBV in emergencies for health care providers, community services officers, security personnel, and the affected population.
  • In collaboration with the SRHiE staff, oversee the procurement of emergency post-rape kits and other relevant commodities and monitor their distribution and utilization by the end-point user.

Resource Mobilization

  • Support the CO to accelerate implementation of activities funded through UNFPA Emergency Response Fund and engage with donors to raise additional GBV programme funds in line with the CO humanitarian strategy and the CPD 2020-2024


  • If needed the incumbent will support the establishment of an emergency coordination mechanism.
  • Under the supervision of the UNFPA Representative/Head of Office, represent UNFPA in relevant humanitarian coordination bodies to ensure that GBV issues are adequately considered in the context of the humanitarian response efforts.
  • Establish linkages between existing Gender, RH, youth and HIV programmes to ensure synergies between existing programmes that maximize programme impact.


  • Monitor GBV assistance provided by UNFPA through implementing partners to crisis-affected populations.
  • Monitor UNFPA’s GBV programme activities by keeping a close record of activities, such as capacity building, expenditures and agreements made with local partners.
  • Prepare monthly progress reports and document lessons learned and share with the relevant UNFPA Regional Office, UNFPA Humanitarian Office, and other units as necessary.
  • Support CO on coordination of humanitarian issues and prepare reports and SitReps, as required.
  • Conduct field visit if requested.

Capacity Development

  • Provide coaching to newly recruited staff and consultants, where appropriate.
  • Coach and build capacity of relevant staff members as well as staff of implementing partners responding to emergency/humanitarian crisis, as needed.

Support the Humanitarian team in developing an emergency preparedness plan.

Qualifications and Experience:


  • Advanced technical degree with specialization in areas such as social work, public health, gender, law/human rights, international relations, and/or other related social science disciplines.

Knowledge and Experience:

  • 5-7 years of specialized experience addressing GBV at the international level; experience in this field in a humanitarian/preparedness context is an asset.
  • Knowledge in MHPSS in emergencies.
  • Demonstrated leadership and management experience within a multinational and multicultural environment.
  • Direct experience providing support to GBV survivors is an asset.


  • Proficiency in French and working knowledge in English.

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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