Programme Specialist, RH , P3-FTA , Aden ,Yemen Job ID :17264

  • Level: P-3
  • Contract type: Fixed Term Appointment
  • Closing date: 12 Apr 2024 05:00 PM (America/New_York)
  • Duty station: Aden ,Yemen

The Position:

Under the overall supervision and guidance of UNFPA Representative, UNFPA deputy Representative, Humanitarian Coordinator and the International Reproductive Health Coordinator based in Sana’a and the direct supervision of the head of Aden office, the Reproductive Health Specialist will be based in Aden to provide oversight and technical leadership to reproductive health programs in the southern parts of Yemen.
The incumbent will be responsible for the overall coordination for effective and efficient implementation of the reproductive health component in southern Yemen while contributing to the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan. The SRH specialist will oversee the RH humanitarian interventions in the Aden hub, and the sub-hubs of Mocka, Marib and Mukalla.

How you can make a difference:

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA’s strategic plan (2022-2025), reaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA and focuses on three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet need for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices. These results capture our strategic commitments on accelerating progress towards realizing the ICPD and SDGs in the Decade of Action leading up to 2030. Our strategic plan calls upon UN Member States, organizations and individuals to “build forward better”, while addressing the negative impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s and girls’ access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, recover lost gains and realize our goals.

In a world where fundamental human rights are at risk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international norms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full conviction.

UNFPA is seeking proactive candidates that transform, inspire and deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are transparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and who commit to deliver excellence in programme results.

Job Purpose:

After nine years of conflict, the humanitarian needs in Yemen remain immense. As we enter 2024, over half of the country's population require humanitarian assistance and protection services. While a de facto continuation of the UN-brokered truce, which formally elapsed on 2 October 2022, provided some relief to civilians, the overall situation in Yemen remains dire. A political agreement, leading to sustainable peace, is the only long-term solution to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.
In 2024, 18.2 million people need humanitarian assistance and protection services. 17.3 million people are facing food insecurity. Additionally, Yemen faces an alarmingly high malnutrition rate, with nearly half of all children under five suffering from moderate to severe stunting. 4.5 million people remain displaced, many of whom have experienced multiple displacements over several years.

Despite multiple challenges, aid organizations reached an average of over 8.6 million people monthly in 2023. Insufficient funding and access constraints have led to adapting our response to reach out to the most vulnerable populations. In 2024, regional conflict dynamics have introduced additional risks. The slight improvements in the humanitarian situation could easily be reversed if these risks are manifested and humanitarian assistance is further curtailed.
Yemen has historically suffered from poor reproductive health indicators (DHS 2013). These indicators have now been further exacerbated by the war. UNFPA assessments have shown that despite significant support from the World Bank to health facilities, massive gaps exist in the RH service delivery, particularly in the Basic and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (EmONC) services, whose absence increases the mortality and morbidity risks among women in labor.
With the current conflict, the health system in Yemen has almost collapsed, with only half of the facilities functional. Majority of those still functional which face severe shortages of medicines, equipment and staff (HRP 2024). This has naturally led to a deterioration in all the key reproductive health indicators. Multiple UNFPA assessments in different districts found major gaps in RH services requiring urgent interventions such as staffing, equipment and medication to provide life-saving Emergency Obstetric Care

You would be responsible for:

 Program Development and Implementation
Adapt rapid assessment tools and facilitate field assessment of RH needs of affected population and other services offered to women and men of reproductive age, including adolescents
Provide technical and programmatic support to national staff, different implementing partners, and national authorities in Aden in planning and implementing RH programs
Assist implementing partners and UNFPA staff in applying UNFPA financial rules and procedures in the budgeting and accountability of project funds;
Participate in planning and procurement of emergency RH kits and other commodities, equipment and supplies and monitor their distribution and utilization by the end-point user.
Ensure application of effective planning, monitoring and evaluation to track programme implementation and provide required feedback for performance excellence
Explore opportunities and entry points for UNFPA to design RH interventions appropriate to the target areas
Ensure adequate and accelerated implementation of activities with different funding sources
Contribute to preparation of reports including situation reports as required.
Monitor project expenditures and disbursements of RH programs for the southern parts of Yemen to ensure that delivery is in line with approved budgets and work plans and to realize targeted delivery levels

Partnership and Resource mobilization:
Represent UNFPA in agency meetings, and chair an RH working group;
Ensure that RH needs are addressed within different humanitarian initiatives including sitreps and other reports;
Establish linkages between existing RH and GBV programs;
Actively contribute to resource mobilization efforts with concept papers, project proposals and donor relations;

Monitoring & Evaluation
Monitor RH assistance provided by UNFPA through implementing partners to crisis affected populations and ensure that adequate RH requirements are being met;
Conduct regular monitoring visits;
Prepare regular progress reports, including lessons learnt and challenges;

Capacity Development

Provide coaching to the RH staff in Aden as well as and consultants where appropriate;
Coach and build capacity of implementing partners responding to the humanitarian crisis;
Other Duties

Perform any other duties as required by UNFPA Representative or supervisor

Work Relations:
The RH Specialist supervises the RH Coordinator in Aden as well as consultants where relevant, and establishes and maintains collaborative relationships with counterparts in government, multi-lateral and bilateral donor agencies and civil society to address emerging issues. S/he must effectively influence counterparts from diverse backgrounds to contribute to achieving UNFPA’s mandate.
Internal contacts include the Representative, Deputy Representative, Head of Aden Office, Humanitarian Coordinators, Operations Manager, the CO’s programme/technical team. External contacts include other UN agencies in country, and counterparts and partners in Country programme activities, including international NGOs, experts etc.

Qualifications and Experience: 

Advanced University degree in Medicine/Health sciences, Public Health.
Knowledge and Experience:

Fluency in English is required. Good knowledge of Arabic is an asset

Knowledge and Experience: 

• 5 years of relevant professional experiences in humanitarian technical assistance, programming and      management in reproductive health or public health.
• Knowledge of UNFPA humanitarian Fast Track procedures is an advantage
• Experience in working in hardship fragile context is an advantage
• Proficiency in current office software applications;

We are no longer accepting applications for this position.

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