
Consolidated guideline on sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV

Number of pages: 122

Publication date: 01 Jan 2017

Author: UNFPA

Publisher: World Health Organization

This Consolidated guideline covers the provision of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights-related services and support for women living with HIV.

Particular emphasis is placed on the creation of an enabling environment to support more effective health interventions and better health outcomes for women living with HIV. The specific sexual and reproductive health and rights needs of women living with HIV are presented to enable health-care and other relevant providers to work closely with women living with HIV to deliver appropriate services for them. 

This guideline is meant to help countries to more effectively and efficiently plan, develop and monitor programmes and services that promote gender equality and human rights and hence are more acceptable and appropriate for women living with HIV, taking into account the national and local epidemiological context. It discusses implementation issues that health interventions and service delivery must address to achieve gender equality and support human rights.

A checklist for implementing this guideline is available here

Further materials, including an executive summary and web annex, are available from the World Health Organization.

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