Annual Report
Global Programme on Reproductive Health Commodity Security
Annual Report 2008
Number of pages: 64
Publication date: 01 Jan 2009
Publisher: UNFPA
Annual Report
Number of pages: 64
Publication date: 01 Jan 2009
Publisher: UNFPA
UNFPA developed the Global Programme for Reproductive Health Commodity Security to help countries plan for their own needs in this arena. The Global Programme acts as a catalyst to national action to prioritize and mainstream reproductive health commodity security into national health policies, programmes, budgets and plans. As a result, countries are beginning to move towards more predictable, planned and sustainable country-driven approaches to securing essential supplies and ensuring their use.
Since 2007, the Thematic Fund for Reproductive Health Commodity Security has helped UNFPA work systematically with national governments to carry out the diverse and multi-faceted work needed to ensure that all individuals can obtain and use affordable, quality reproductive health supplies of their choice whenever they need them. Previous efforts responding to ad-hoc requests from countries for technical assistance and supplies failed to generate country-driven, sustainable approaches to commodity security.
This report sets out to provide an overview of how the funds allocated to the Global Programme were used in 2008. The report covers funds allocated under the Stream 1, Stream 2 and Stream 3 and also to a small amount of funding used to facilitate reproductive health commodity security at the global level.