Maternal Health Thematic Fund: Annual Report 2012
Number of pages: 88
Publication date: 01 Jan 2013
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
Number of pages: 88
Publication date: 01 Jan 2013
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
The Maternal Health Thematic Fund (MTHF) Annual Report 2012 gives an overview of the results achieved in 2012 by the Fund through targeted interventions in high maternal mortality countries. Advocacy and demand-creation for maternal and newborn health has been high on the agenda, as has raising awareness on and commitment to maternal health globally, regionally and nationally.
Emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) remains a key focus of the fund with 34 countries having completed EmONC needs assessments. The midwifery programme forms an integral part of the MHTF that is now supporting the strengthening of midwifery programmes and policies in 30 high maternal mortality countries and developing innovative e-learning modules for midwives in partnership with the private sector.
The coordination of the Campaign to End Fistula is also housed under the MHTF. In addition to coordinating more than 80 partners in the campaign, the Fund has directly supported more than 8400 fistula surgeries in 2012 alone.
Maternal death surveillance and response is an area that received increased attention, for instance with the development of technical guidance and tools for MDSR with WHO and CDC.
The annual report pays tribute to the importance of partnerships in making possible the important results of the MHTF. In addition, the report discusses the results of the midterm evaluation and how these findings will be taken into consideration in shaping the future of the Fund.