Reproductive Health Commodity Security Update
Number of pages: 20
Publication date: 01 Jan 2010
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
Number of pages: 20
Publication date: 01 Jan 2010
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
This publication provides an update on significant progress and measurable impact by countries supported by the Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security, which is now active in over 70 countries.
Since 1990, UNFPA has been the lead United Nations agency for reproductive health commodity security and the largest multilateral supplier of contraceptives and condoms. In 2007, with the launch of the Global Programme, UNFPA introduced a more strategic approach to ensuring that all individuals can obtain and use affordable, quality reproductive health supplies of their choice whenever they need them. Those countries supported by the Global Programme who report the most progress receive the most support.