Second United Nations Inter-agency Consultation on Engaging Faith-based Organizations for the MDGs
Number of pages: 16
Publication date: 01 Jan 2010
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
Number of pages: 16
Publication date: 01 Jan 2010
Author: UNFPA
Publisher: UNFPA
This publication reports on the Second United Nations Inter-agency Meeting on Engagement with Faith-based Organizations hosted by UNFPA in New York on 5 August 2009. The meeting brought together representatives of the United Nations agencies and bodies, who have prior experience and continue to work with faith-based organizations, to update each other on respective developments with faith-based partnerships since the first Inter-agency Consultation in July 2008. The participants also reflected on the preceding two-day Policy Roundtable with international FBOs and discussed future scenarios of inter-agency collaboration on FBO engagement.