Gender-based violence in humanitarian settings

Sexual violence is common in humanitarian settings. It may become more acute in the wake of a natural disaster, and it occurs at…

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Assessment in emergencies

Reliable data – about the size, health, needs, income, housing, age and sex of affected populations – is crucial to planning an…

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Regional Situation Report for Syria Crisis #27 - November 2014

The crises in Syria and Iraq have caused a flood of movement that continue to destabilize neighboring countries and pose a threat…

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South Sudan Country Office Situation Report #50 – 22-28 November 2014

The reporting period has been relatively calm though the situation remains unpredictable, especially in the Juba PoCs, Malakal…

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South Sudan Country Office Situation Report #49 – 17 - 22 November 2014

Conditions in the PoCs grow increasingly challenging for staff and partners. Tensions continue to simmer in the camps in Juba…

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Food, hygiene and security in emergencies

In many crisis and refugee situations, women and girls are tasked with obtaining food and fuel for their families, even when it…

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HIV prevention in emergencies

Preventing HIV in crisis zones
All people everywhere need information, supplies and services to protect themselves against HIV…

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Regional Situation Report For Syria Crisis #26 - October 2014

The ongoing crisis in Syria and its spillover effects continue to in­flict a devastating human and humanitarian toll on…

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South Sudan Country Office Situation Report #48 – 07 -13 November 2014

The situation remains tense country wide. Conflict has broken out in three states Upper Nile, Lakes and Jonglei just days after…

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