Strengthening Reproductive Health Care in Ibb, Yemen

After more than 15 months, the UNFPA Yemen team was able to undertake a mission outside of Sana'a to Ibb Governorate to reach out…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen Monthly Situation Report #06 – July 2016

By July 2016, 4 million people were reached, out of the 13.6 million people being targeted for humanitarian assistance in 2016.…

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UNFPA RESPONSE IN YEMEN Monthly Situation Report #05 – June 2016

More than 13 million Yemenis continue to need immediate life-saving assistance as a result of a bleak humanitarian situation in…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen, Monthly Situation Report #04 – May 2016

Highlights of the UNFPA response
A UN-wide programme criticality (PC) assessment was conducted in late May to enhance the UN’s…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen, Monthly Situation Report #02 – March 2016

Highlights of the UNFPA Response
In March, 14 mobile clinics and teams (two per governorate) providing reproductive health and…

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UNFPA Response in Yemen, Monthly Situation Report #01 – February 2016

Highlights of UNFPA Response
In February, the number of mobile teams providing reproductive health and family planning services…

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