With over 8 million confirmed cases, India continues to have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the region and second globally.
The pandemic continues to spread across Asia and the Pacific. India, Iran, Indonesia and Nepal continue to experience a steady increase in new cases.
Monsoon floods have impacted several countries in the region recently including Viet Nam, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, India, China, Bangladesh and Indonesia.
UNFPA Results Highlights Jan - Oct 2020
More than 43 million people reached with SRH/GBV information and awareness activities across the region.
At least 1,794,611 women of reproductive age reached with SRH services across the region.
At least 67,421 safe deliveries assisted by UNFPA in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa and Vanuatu.
At least 725,17 people reached with family planning services across the region.
54,485 older persons aged 65+ reached with SRH services across the region.
7,758 people reached with cash and voucher assistance in Bangladesh, Myanmar and the Philippines.
At least 241,516 people reached with GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response services across the region.
At least 368,470 people aged 10-24 years reached with SRH services across the region.
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COVID-19 Situation Report No. 9 for UNFPA Asia and Pacific
Regional SituationWith over 8 million confirmed cases, India continues to have the highest number of COVID-19 cases in the region and second globally.The pandemic continues to spread across Asia and the Paci...